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I had my ears pierced really badly… probably why I don’t want any more

I relate. Read the long pancake story if you’re curious I guess….

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I have 6 piercings in each ear

skjdflksj I want that many piercings in my ears

honestly after the first two it stop hurting. I didnt even feel the ones I just got.

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I have so many piercings

and tattoos

Im getting more this weekend!!

Such as?
(Don't have to say if you don't want obvi.)

oh no. I don't mind.
I'm getting some dermis piercings under my clavicle on the left. One for each sibling.
Finally I have enough money to start on both my rib/hip and back tattoos. On my ribs/ left hip will be a phoenix that my mom designed for me and then my back I'm having the 7 chakra symbols going down my spine with some neat stars and filigree connecting them.

I like your style!

Thank you! I can't wait until its done. I'll post a pic if you guys want


I had my ears pierced really badly… probably why I don’t want any more

was it done with a piercing gun?

I have no idea.

well there's a piercing gun and then there's just straight up needles. Piercing guns are machinery, needles are not

Deleted user

I have 6 piercings in each ear

skjdflksj I want that many piercings in my ears

honestly after the first two it stop hurting. I didnt even feel the ones I just got.

Like rabies shots!
Those stopped hurting after the first 5!


I have 6 piercings in each ear

skjdflksj I want that many piercings in my ears

honestly after the first two it stop hurting. I didnt even feel the ones I just got.

I can't tolerate pain well so I feel like if I get my two piercings on my birthday, I'm gonna cry lol


I have so many piercings

and tattoos

Im getting more this weekend!!

Such as?
(Don't have to say if you don't want obvi.)

oh no. I don't mind.
I'm getting some dermis piercings under my clavicle on the left. One for each sibling.
Finally I have enough money to start on both my rib/hip and back tattoos. On my ribs/ left hip will be a phoenix that my mom designed for me and then my back I'm having the 7 chakra symbols going down my spine with some neat stars and filigree connecting them.

I like your style!

Thank you! I can't wait until its done. I'll post a pic if you guys want


@Becfromthedead group

I have 6 piercings in each ear

skjdflksj I want that many piercings in my ears

honestly after the first two it stop hurting. I didnt even feel the ones I just got.

I can't tolerate pain well so I feel like if I get my two piercings on my birthday, I'm gonna cry lol

Oof… I feel that… Although I don't really remember my first piercing hurting very much, even though I was 8 and a huge crybaby, so maybe it won't be too terrible…


I have 6 piercings in each ear

skjdflksj I want that many piercings in my ears

honestly after the first two it stop hurting. I didnt even feel the ones I just got.

I can't tolerate pain well so I feel like if I get my two piercings on my birthday, I'm gonna cry lol

Oof… I feel that… Although I don't really remember my first piercing hurting very much, even though I was 8 and a huge crybaby, so maybe it won't be too terrible…

My first piercing was when I was 2, so I definitely can't remember. I just have a feeling my next piercing will hurt because I shed a tear when I got a flu shot a few months ago lol


I just don't like changing my body in those ways, I wouldn't want an unnatural hair color or a dragon drawn onto my waist, and I especially wouldn't want a big piece of jewelry stuck in my nose or tongue… I've learned from my artwork that if something is pretty and you're happy with it, don't add a bunch of random things to it to make it more detailed. (I'm talking about traditional art here, where you can't just erase or undo it) It might improve, but usually, it just makes things worse, so don't take too many chances. That's how I feel about myself. I'm beautiful and I can recognize that, so why would I want to make all these permanent, sometimes even dangerous changes that I might regret? If other people do it that's totally fine, it's probably good to take those risks, but I would never do it. I'm happy with myself, why risk changing that?

I'm not counting eye color though. I would totally love to have bright pink, blue or purple eyes that just stare into your soul


Oh piercings? Do I have a story for you. If no one knew (which no one probably did because I never brought it up) I used to have my ears pierced, only one piercing because my parents said any more then one and I look ‘edgy’ and I didn’t want another piercing after this ‘wonderful’ experience which was painful. So for my I think 10th or 11th birthday (I’m not sure) I asked for my ears to get pierced. We went to the mall to the Claire’s I think, and my mom payed for it. There was two ladies, one a newbie who NEVER pierced ears before (didn’t find that out till after words), and a professional. One lady was at my left ear, the other on the right. I already hated needles, and my sister Clarasa (who is married and very happy now) teased me that they were going to stab a needle through my ear into my brain and kill me. That was pleasant. Me having ADHD was shaking the entire time before a click noise filled my ears, then I felt myself begin to cry. My right ear was bleeding, and it stung like a bitch. My mom triggerdly asked what happened, then the professional, with the most happy expression beside a crying 10 or 11 year old said, “oh, she’s new, it’s her first time piercing! Isn’t she great?” My mom triggeredly grabbed my hand and demanded a refund trying to stop the bleeding of my ear by holding a paper towel over my bleeding ear, then the lady said. “No. It’s fine, it’s still in her ear. It’s just a bit lower then normal. It won’t do anything terrible.” My mom very pissed off that I was crying, and that they fucked up a 60 dollar worth of a piercing from PROFESSIONALS was wasted. My mom took the cleaning shit then took me home with my sister, who flicked off the two lady’s as we left. I got ice cream afterwards so it wasn’t a waste of my time, so that’s good, right…?
Damn all my stories are long, hope someone at least liked to listen to it…. also my ears closed up because I ripped the earring off then never put one on again.


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Oh piercings? Do I have a story for you. If no one knew (which no one probably did because I never brought it up) I used to have my ears pierced, only one piercing because my parents said any more then one and I look ‘edgy’ and I didn’t want another piercing after this ‘wonderful’ experience which was painful. So for my I think 10th or 11th birthday (I’m not sure) I asked for my ears to get pierced. We went to the mall to the Claire’s I think, and my mom payed for it. There was two ladies, one a newbie who NEVER pierced ears before (didn’t find that out till after words), and a professional. One lady was at my left ear, the other on the right. I already hated needles, and my sister Clarasa (who is married and very happy now) teased me that they were going to stab a needle through my ear into my brain and kill me. That was pleasant. Me having ADHD was shaking the entire time before a click noise filled my ears, then I felt myself begin to cry. My right ear was bleeding, and it stung like a bitch. My mom triggerdly asked what happened, then the professional, with the most happy expression beside a crying 10 or 11 year old said, “oh, she’s new, it’s her first time piercing! Isn’t she great?” My mom triggeredly grabbed my hand and demanded a refund trying to stop the bleeding of my ear by holding a paper towel over my bleeding ear, then the lady said. “No. It’s fine, it’s still in her ear. It’s just a bit lower then normal. It won’t do anything terrible.” My mom very pissed off that I was crying, and that they fucked up a 60 dollar worth of a piercing from PROFESSIONALS was wasted. My mom took the cleaning shit then took me home with my sister, who flicked off the two lady’s as we left. I got ice cream afterwards so it wasn’t a waste of my time, so that’s good, right…?
Damn all my stories are long, hope someone at least liked to listen to it…. also my ears closed up because I ripped the earring off then never put one on again.


And my mom is still pissed about it. I asked her about it and she said she wished that she got Clarasa to beat the shit out of the ‘professional’ which scared me because Clarasa would have done it back then without hesitation….


So yeah, never go to Claires to get any piercings done! Too many horror stories. I've also heard not to use the gun for a helix piercing (what I want to do) because it can mess up the cartilage.

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So yeah, never go to Claires to get any piercings done! Too many horror stories. I've also heard not to use the gun for a helix piercing (what I want to do) because it can mess up the cartilage.

I went there for the piercings.
It hurt like a b*tch.