forum Hey guys! Pictures
Started by @Althalosian-is-the-father book

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Glitter is beautiful. Why does my mom hate glitter so much

It gets everywhere.
But lately, I've been glitter bombing people


How about we get back on topic?
And besides, this is one of those topics that I have a very strong opinion on and if we keep this up I’m going to end up starting a debate

The topic is posting pictures of ourselves. lol
Debates are healthy tho

I feel like debates enable us to change our perspective on things and make us more intelligent, so long as people stay respectful while debating.

Deleted user

I like deadly accessories.

Me too


What's the fave deadly accessory?


Debates are healthy tho


Hold on hold up
Debate: argue about (a subject), especially in a formal manner.
Argue: 1.
give reasons or cite evidence in support of an idea, action, or theory, typically with the aim of persuading others to share one's view.
exchange or express diverging or opposite views, typically in a heated or angry way.

Debates are typically formal. As long as nothing gets heated and turned into an argument, I believe debates can actually be very healthy, but you have to keep an open mind and be very respectful of the other person's opinions.


I wonder when the human body became such a bad thing to look at. My goodness.

It actually says in the Bible that when Adam and Eve ate the fruit, the "truth" was revealed to them. They then rushed to put on clothing and where embarrassed that they were naked. Part of me thinks that people in Heaven will be naked and nobody will care. I've wondered if Heaven would be like before Adam and Eve ate the fruit, because all was perfect and happy with no sin then.

Keep in mind that not everybody is Christian, or even religious. A lot of people don't follow these beliefs, which changes their outlook on the human body.

I'm not trying to shove this at anyone. Just trying to tell you what I believe. I'm sorry if this made you or anyone upset. I just am trying to communicate something I find interesting.

Nah, I'm not upset, I'm Christian myself. I just don't believe in shaming people for wearing immodest clothing because of their religious beliefs. I think everybody should be free to do what they want so long as they aren't hurting anybody physically or emotionally. I like diversity lol

Oh no, I'm certainly not shaming people!I don't care if you guys wear "immodest" clothing. I don't know if I worded that wrong or something. I'm sorry.


I wonder when the human body became such a bad thing to look at. My goodness.

It actually says in the Bible that when Adam and Eve ate the fruit, the "truth" was revealed to them. They then rushed to put on clothing and where embarrassed that they were naked. Part of me thinks that people in Heaven will be naked and nobody will care. I've wondered if Heaven would be like before Adam and Eve ate the fruit, because all was perfect and happy with no sin then.

Keep in mind that not everybody is Christian, or even religious. A lot of people don't follow these beliefs, which changes their outlook on the human body.

I'm not trying to shove this at anyone. Just trying to tell you what I believe. I'm sorry if this made you or anyone upset. I just am trying to communicate something I find interesting.

Nah, I'm not upset, I'm Christian myself. I just don't believe in shaming people for wearing immodest clothing because of their religious beliefs. I think everybody should be free to do what they want so long as they aren't hurting anybody physically or emotionally. I like diversity lol

Oh no, I'm certainly not shaming people!I don't care if you guys wear "immodest" clothing. I don't know if I worded that wrong or something. I'm sorry.

No that's fine, I probably just misunderstood lol sorry


Anyone wanna get any tattoos?

I'm getting my first tattoo in about a year ^.^ it'll be a tattoo of a silver Christmas bell and a red ribbon on my chest


Anyone wanna get any tattoos?

I'm getting my first tattoo in about a year ^.^ it'll be a tattoo of a silver Christmas bell and a red ribbon on my chest



Anyone wanna get any tattoos?

raises hand Me, me! I might as well tell everyone. Okay so I'm thinking about getting dragon wings on my back and/or and night sky on my right shoulder. My shoulder would have stars and a crescent moon.


Anyone wanna get any tattoos?

raises hand Me, me! I might as well tell everyone. Okay so I'm thinking about getting dragon wings on my back and/or and night sky on my right shoulder. My shoulder would have stars and a crescent moon.

Any particular reason/meaning behind it? (there doesn't have to be, but I'm just curious if there is one and what it is)

Deleted user

Anyone wanna get any tattoos?

No-Face from Spirited away, 2 hummingbirds on my right shoulder, and song lyrics that mean something to me.
I also might get a wren bird tattooed on my ankle


Anyone wanna get any tattoos?

No-Face from Spirited away, 2 hummingbirds on my right shoulder, and song lyrics that mean something to me.
I also might get a wren bird tattooed on my ankle


Deleted user

Anyone wanna get any tattoos?

No-Face from Spirited away, 2 hummingbirds on my right shoulder, and song lyrics that mean something to me.
I also might get a wren bird tattooed on my ankle


They all mean something to me, so yeah