forum Hey guys! Pictures
Started by @Althalosian-is-the-father book

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@The-Magician group

Omgs the summer is prime time for me, I dont understand how people have trouble buying clothes then????

Ooft… having short and thick legs so shorts don't always fit very well… uhhh swimsuits. For me, it's the legs. I'm fine to a certain extent, but I only want people to see so much leg (which is why I wear swim shorts!)

I see…. I'm more confident in the summer than I thought.
Bec I can see where you're coming from, I'm just gonna say that your legs are beautiful no matter how short or thick

@The-Magician group

Omgs the summer is prime time for me, I dont understand how people have trouble buying clothes then????

Summer is my favorite too because when I do find good stuff, it's the best stuff ever, but usually, we have to get through aisles and aisles of booty shorts and crop tops to find something that I actually feel comfortable in.

Omgs I feel you there honey, booty shorts and crop tops are a huge no for me..
In the summer I wear jeans and a sweater or short dresses, or jeans and a fully open shirt, or a sports bra and joggers.. I show way too much skin in the summer 😂


I don't feel comfortable showing much of my torso, which is why I don't like wearing crop tops.
Also, I prefer long pants and short sleeves but summer is so damn hot and winter is so damn cold which is why I like autumn the best (spring would also be my favorite if it weren't for the pollen (I'm allergic))


I love everything about my body honestly, it's a pretty good one to have. Not because it looks good, although I do have a pretty lean, stable, limber torso. But I like it because it's powerful. Looks mean nothing compared to that honestly.


Do you guys all know that I love you? Well you do now, and don't forget it….

We love you to Lee. And don't forget it. I know you won't.

Love you too, Lee! <3


I just can't stand wearing immodest clothing. It's pushed at us like it's empowering or something like "You're beautiful, so why not show it off?", yet all it does for me is make me feel like I'm nothing more than just my body. I don't know, it just seems wrong. (Making this part invisible because I don't want to trigger anyone) Nothing people say will make me change my mind, I hate immodest clothing. It feels slutty and wrong and in my opinion, that's the opposite of "empowering women". We are way more than our bodies and what our bodies can offer, so instead of showing off our bodies, we should attract people with our face and personality. I am a diamond, I am rare and extremely hard to get. Someone would be lucky to have me. Now if I were to dress immodestly and give myself away, I'd be losing some of that value. I may still be beautiful, but not very special or rare, I'd just be another cheap decorative crystal you can buy at the five dollar store.

Basically, dressing and acting in a slutty way is the exact opposite of female empowerment. It gives this false idea that we're nothing but our bodies, and I can't stand that. I have more to offer than just pleasure and good looks, and I'd like to dress in a way that shows it. And no, I'm not going to be "gay for myself", I'm going to love myself as a close friend, a friend I care about and want to be happy instead of becoming mindlessly obsessed with my looks.

I know this kind of topic probably isn't something you'd expect to hear from someone as smol as me, but this is one of the few opinions I have that I am extremely serious about, I stand my ground and my ground isn't shifting.


Let me just say that you guys all deserve to be gay for yourselves! Don't you forget it! Because you are perfect in all your imperfections! Each and every one of your body is, is a fantastic aesthetically beautiful piece of art, an efficient, useful tool, and a Lethal Weapon, as well as a gate to all the pleasures that the world has to offer! You will use these vessels given to you, just smash all obstacles in your path! Because you are simply amazing, and the work of miracles and Divinity!


Let me just say that you guys all deserve to be gay for yourselves! Don't you forget it! Because you are perfect in all your imperfections! Each and every one of your body is, is a fantastic aesthetically beautiful piece of art, an efficient, useful tool, and a Lethal Weapon, as well as a gate to all the pleasures that the world has to offer! You will use these vessels given to you, just smash all obstacles in your path! Because you are simply amazing, and the work of miracles and Divinity!

Shuri's right. Flaws contribute to perfection.


Let me just say that you guys all deserve to be gay for yourselves! Don't you forget it! Because you are perfect in all your imperfections! Each and every one of your body is, is a fantastic aesthetically beautiful piece of art, an efficient, useful tool, and a Lethal Weapon, as well as a gate to all the pleasures that the world has to offer! You will use these vessels given to you, just smash all obstacles in your path! Because you are simply amazing, and the work of miracles and Divinity!

Shuri's right. Flaws contribute to perfection.

I'm right about all of it. Not just that part. Just be gay for yourselves dammit.


Let me just say that you guys all deserve to be gay for yourselves! Don't you forget it! Because you are perfect in all your imperfections! Each and every one of your body is, is a fantastic aesthetically beautiful piece of art, an efficient, useful tool, and a Lethal Weapon, as well as a gate to all the pleasures that the world has to offer! You will use these vessels given to you, just smash all obstacles in your path! Because you are simply amazing, and the work of miracles and Divinity!

Shuri's right. Flaws contribute to perfection.

I'm right about all of it. Not just that part. Just be gay for yourselves dammit.

Well… I am gay for Yang from Rwby and she is literally me…


I wear legit anything that fits my body and my identity to make me feel better. Summer is a bit difficult since it gets ridiculously hot so it's either drown in your own sweat and tears or burn your mostly-naked body to a red flakey crisp whenever you step outside in the sun for an hour.

And people wonder why I like staying inside like the vampire I am


I wear legit anything that fits my body and my identity to make me feel better. Summer is a bit difficult since it gets ridiculously hot so it's either drown in your own sweat and tears or burn your mostly-naked body to a red flakey crisp whenever you step outside in the sun for an hour.

And people wonder why I like staying inside like the vampire I am

I get it.