forum Hey guys! Pictures
Started by @Althalosian-is-the-father book

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Most of my clothes are some shade of blue, gray, black, or maroon. Don't trust me in white clothes because I will somehow end up getting a stain on it in .3 seconds…

Same. I look great in it, but I would never wear it

@Becfromthedead group

Most of my clothes are some shade of blue, gray, black, or maroon. Don't trust me in white clothes because I will somehow end up getting a stain on it in .3 seconds…

Big mood. Also same here. My closet is mostly black and blue, plus some gray and darker reds.

@Knight-Shives group

Quick story with evidence for the reason I can't wear white.

I went to a school dance. I wore a Black tank top a white sweater over it and a jean jacket. it was hot at the dance and when I get warm I become even paler than I actually am. My skin tone was the same color as the white sweater. For half of the dance after that I was wearing only the tank top and occasionally wearing my jacket because it was really warm.

@Becfromthedead group

Mmm I have this one outfit that just screams vampire. I have a black trenchcoat and a deep red dress with a lace neckline, plus some jewelry and black lace-up boots that complete the look. I'm also a total sucker for dark red lipsticks and bold eyeliner. Gothic clothing gets a 10/10, but when you live in the south and everyone wears the same exact few gross pastels, you kind of stick out too much.


Mmm I have this one outfit that just screams vampire. I have a black trenchcoat and a deep red dress with a lace neckline, plus some jewelry and black lace-up boots that complete the look. I'm also a total sucker for dark red lipsticks and bold eyeliner. Gothic clothing gets a 10/10, but when you live in the south and everyone wears the same exact few gross pastels, you kind of stick out too much.

That sounds amazing! I also have a black trench coat! And a beige one!


I have a leather jacket that I keep trying to pair with something so I can wear it :3 Other than that I wear a lot of jeans and sweatshirts….or whatever is in reach…


Mmm I have this one outfit that just screams vampire. I have a black trenchcoat and a deep red dress with a lace neckline, plus some jewelry and black lace-up boots that complete the look. I'm also a total sucker for dark red lipsticks and bold eyeliner. Gothic clothing gets a 10/10, but when you live in the south and everyone wears the same exact few gross pastels, you kind of stick out too much.

Awesome! You sound like you have amazing style! 10/10 for you!


I have a leather jacket that I keep trying to pair with something so I can wear it :3 Other than that I wear a lot of jeans and sweatshirts….or whatever is in reach…

Leather jackets are cool!

@Becfromthedead group

Plaid and leather jackets are both good.
I kinda want a leather jacket, but I don't have one… I do wear a ton of plaid though!
And while we're talking about clothes, here's my unpopular opinion: crop tops are really cute and empowering.


I don't wear crop tops for several reason…first of all i'm super insecure when it comes to my body since I'm a twig..second my dad doesn't like them so I can't really buy them in the first place..and third, it's usually too cold to wear them here


I have this one dress thing I got for my Halloween costume that I love more than any other item in my wardrobe, and I've only worn it once. It's a purple-y color and it has an epic looking hood on it and it's so comfy but it doesn't look comfy, it looks fancy and I don't know how to describe it, it's my favorite thing ever


Question is there ever a color that any of you just can't wear?

I look horrible in orange. Yellow looks pretty good if I pair it with the right colors (think: light blue). Purple's fine, I just don't wear it that much. Brown is ehhhhh. Gray is okay. Pink is a big fat no. Blue, dark red, black, white, and some greens are the colors I look best in.


Plaid and leather jackets are both good.
I kinda want a leather jacket, but I don't have one… I do wear a ton of plaid though!
And while we're talking about clothes, here's my unpopular opinion: crop tops are really cute and empowering.

I think people should wear what they want! I personally don't show my belly button, but that's just my preference. I think there is too much hate towards crop tops and other stuff for no reason.


I have a really long torso so crop tops are a bit strange for me haha, I don't mind the look of them I'm just too insecure for that and I don't own any