forum Hey guys! Pictures
Started by @Althalosian-is-the-father book

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@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

So I made a mask because corona
And it gets the Little Brother™ Seal of Approval so apparently it's good
Now I have to make 4 more for the rest of my family because I'm the only one who
a) Has free time
b) Can sew

@Mojack group


might delete this later

it has been 8 or so years since ive posted a photo of myself online (mostly due to lack of confidence)
in almost every photo my face just looks like im constantly doing the ._. face maybe with a slight smile
the cat’s name is Mozart, he’s one of my (two) cats


So I’m not super active on notebook (rip) but I’ve been stalking this thread for a while now and finally decided to post something. So enjoy these pics of me trying too hard lmao

(Sorry it’s kinda long, these are my only decent pics lmao)