forum Hey guys! Pictures
Started by @Althalosian-is-the-father book

people_alt 146 followers

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You just gotta learn the art of platonically showering people in creepy amounts of affection and compliments while still being just frens
master the no homo

Master the no romo

I asked a guy for his number by saying "no hetero"
And then I forgot to text him


Deleted user

I mean, I got my ex girlfriend by using a cheesy pickup line.
"If you were a pirate, would you put your parrot on this shoulder, or this shoulder?" cue casually putting arm around her
It was great
and then I broke up with her

Deleted user

That photo definitely didn't make me have a flashback

@Sleep-deprived-and-Stupid group

It's 2am, and I'm on the set of my art project, cleaning and fixing stuff. For this project, we have to pick a 2D art piece (prints, paintings, pictures, portraits, etc.) and recreate it in our house. I'm recreating a lovely piece called Breakfast-Time by Hanna Pauli, but inside with all my quarantine snacks.
I'm also wearing my binder for the first time in awhile, and I feel good!!

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ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm k nobody asked you to be so perfect but whatever proceeds to stare at photo for 2 million years