forum Hey guys! Pictures
Started by @Althalosian-is-the-father book

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But can we all agree that Arron looks like the world's cutest puppy? Maybe this is weird but I can't help but awwwwwwwww every time I see them

That is why Arron's nickname is Squish Nugget


Oh hush it's cuz you're adorable and I'd happily give you all the hugs in the world


Cuz you're sweet and awesome and absolutely a handsome cutiepie who deserves many, many hugs

^One of the truest things I've read all day

Not really...

Yes really

Deleted user

I'M GETTING IT CUT TO MY SHOULDERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I wish I had self confidence and could actually think I’m attractive, but it’s great to hear! Keep it up!

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sits in self doubt corner I wish I was somewhat attractive… makeup could probably do wonders but if I would do that I would hate myself for ‘selling out’


I'm sorry if this seems mean or offensive, I know you guys probably have mental issues and can't help it. But I am so, so incredibly sick of hearing you talk down about yourselves. You guys are very beautiful/handsome, there is no such thing as ugly, and I'm sick of having to repeat it. Fake some confidence if you have to, but hearing people who are way prettier than me call themselves hideous friends is hurting me just a little.

Deleted user

I'm sorry if this seems mean or offensive, I know you guys probably have mental issues and can't help it. But I am so, so incredibly sick of hearing you talk down about yourselves. You guys are very beautiful/handsome, there is no such thing as ugly, and I'm sick of having to repeat it. Fake some confidence if you have to, but hearing people who are way prettier than me call themselves hideous friends is hurting me just a little.

I said that because I've been crying all night non-stop.

Deleted user

I'm sorry if this seems mean or offensive, I know you guys probably have mental issues and can't help it. But I am so, so incredibly sick of hearing you talk down about yourselves. You guys are very beautiful/handsome, there is no such thing as ugly, and I'm sick of having to repeat it. Fake some confidence if you have to, but hearing people who are way prettier than me call themselves hideous friends is hurting me just a little.

Can’t help myself I have zero self confidence, very self conscious, and I ‘joke’ about my appearance to make people think I’m not wanting to myself. I go to therapy, and we’ve been working on this issue by the way, so I’m getting help for it. hOPEFULLY it works this time.


I'm sorry if this seems mean or offensive, I know you guys probably have mental issues and can't help it. But I am so, so incredibly sick of hearing you talk down about yourselves. You guys are very beautiful/handsome, there is no such thing as ugly, and I'm sick of having to repeat it. Fake some confidence if you have to, but hearing people who are way prettier than me call themselves hideous friends is hurting me just a little.

I said that because I've been crying all night non-stop.

I know how it feels… It probably isn't caused by the same issue, but every once in a while I'm hit with random sadness waves and end up crying myself to sleep for no known reason. It sucks. But what hasn't helped me is the constant negativity and self-hatred that this site seems to radiate…

Deleted user

I'm sorry if this seems mean or offensive, I know you guys probably have mental issues and can't help it. But I am so, so incredibly sick of hearing you talk down about yourselves. You guys are very beautiful/handsome, there is no such thing as ugly, and I'm sick of having to repeat it. Fake some confidence if you have to, but hearing people who are way prettier than me call themselves hideous friends is hurting me just a little.

I said that because I've been crying all night non-stop.

I know how it feels… It probably isn't caused by the same issue, but every once in a while I'm hit with random sadness waves and end up crying myself to sleep for no known reason. It sucks. But what hasn't helped me is the constant negativity and self-hatred that this site seems to radiate…

Mines voices…

Deleted user

You know who feels like a goddess today? MEEEEEEEEEEEEE! yay confidence.

Ya'll should all feel the same way.
Because you are cute as hell.


You know who feels like a goddess today? MEEEEEEEEEEEEE! yay confidence.

Ya'll should all feel the same way.
Because you are cute as hell.



You know who feels like a goddess today? MEEEEEEEEEEEEE! yay confidence.

Ya'll should all feel the same way.
Because you are cute as hell.

I would say same here, but the occasional coughing fit stops me from feeling 100% great, ya know?

But anyways, you rock that confidence, Eris!