forum Hey guys! Pictures
Started by @Althalosian-is-the-father book

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@soupnana group

I'm fine. A bit confused… why? I dunno. I feel like it's because I somehow managed to pass the mile today, and yet now I can't seem able to draw my style consistently anymore. Weird…
And the doggos are fine. I guess. The paralyzed one is still… well, paralyzed, but he is doing a bit better.

@Knight-Shives group

Here is a email I sent to Blockbuster(Confirmed dead) THat nobody asked for.

Hello there,
Recently our team has realized you are still alive. We all thought you died years ago. But you survived and you lived through the apocalypse that wiped out most of your stores. We love and miss you. We wish you would come back.
Though we had an idea for you. Use the word idea loosely. It is more of a string of thoughts or some mythical thing…… No idea where that sentence was going, sorry. Now back on topic. How many actual locations do you still have. Are they stores or are they just like a box, like REDBOX. Just asking. Though our idea was you could take in old or used movies. You were always great for carrying older movies that were by far no means new.
We hope you are actually alive and not a mythical unicorn, or marshadow hiding in the shadows only watching

(My brother helped with the Pokemon simile)

Deleted user

I just really love the random things that people put in this chat….