forum Hey guys! Pictures
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@Knight-Shives group

My mom was concerned when I stabbed it multiple times with her box cutter. She also got concerned that I was outside in maybe 23 degrees Fahrenheit Weather for a half hour in just a tee shirt jeans and a sweater. My brother who was watching had a jacket hat and gloves on and so did my friend.

Deleted user

Oh honey…


Why would you do that? (the clothes in that weather)

@Knight-Shives group

Oh honey…


Why would you do that? (the clothes in that weather)

Oh. I always wear that. I guess I'm not affected much by cold. I probably wear more layers indoors than outdoors


Here’s the start of a dance my friends and I are creating. (I’m the second one back on the left btw)

Is that Lyrical?

Lyrical/contemporary, yeah

Okay. My sister is a real dance girl.

Nice. I did dance for seven years outside of school and then quit but I still do it in school, though.

@The Anime Addict

Yall, I have a little art surprise coming soon! (in a few minutes lol) I wanted to draw something for valentines day, however its not valentine related XD