forum Hey guys! Pictures
Started by @Althalosian-is-the-father book

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AWESOME!!! I want to start cosplaying but alas, I'm a teenager now which means I can no longer dress up for Halloween and go trick-or-treating, which means my one chance for cosplay is gone.



AWESOME!!! I want to start cosplaying but alas, I'm a teenager now which means I can no longer dress up for Halloween and go trick-or-treating, which means my one chance for cosplay is gone.

Sis I still go trick or treating lol, I’m 14



AWESOME!!! I want to start cosplaying but alas, I'm a teenager now which means I can no longer dress up for Halloween and go trick-or-treating, which means my one chance for cosplay is gone.

Sis I still go trick or treating lol, I’m 14

My mom has a rule that forbids trick-or-treating after 13. It sucks and I hate it, but all my older siblings have said for years that "By the time you hit 13, you won't want to anymore"… I still want to, I'm 13, please let me dress up as Atsuko Kagari and run around the streets of my grandma's neighborhood screaming "TIA FREYRE!!!" and wondering why I can't fly


This last Halloween I was Hanji from Attack On Titan.
Two years ago I was the Phantom from Phantom of the Opera.
Three years ago I was a Vampire.
Four years ago I was a Werewolf that killed my zombie soccer player brother.
Five years ago I was a Fairy.
Six years ago I was a tiger.
After that it gets a bit fuzzy. I still dress up on Halloween cuz that's the fun part to do with friends. I almost always go to my friend's Halloween Party where we act like what we dressed as and it gets fun and kinda crazy. And when I get back I take the late night shift of handing out candy until 11:00 or so.

@soupnana group

I always liked being spooky things that related to halloween so I have been…
A ninja
A vampire
A ghost
A creepy little girl
A zombie
A bat
A cat
and a witch.
Although my siblings were always much more creative. They have been things such as…
A queen
An angel
A dragon
A spider
A brick wall
A tree
Link from Zelda (twice)
An old man (that was my sister)
and a two headed monster.
And my friends have been even more creative. They have been…
A lego guy.
A flamingo
A crayon (This one was great. They were just dressed in purple and they had a purple paper wrap that said "crayola" and for the top of the crayon they used a purple bucket. Ha ha.)
And a hill billy.

@soupnana group

I've never been trick or treating 😂

I've never celebrated Halloween

It's not a huge loss. I actually don't even like the holiday that much. I hate getting scared and I don't like spooky movies. And I don't even like candy that much. It's a pointless Holiday actually.


I've never been trick or treating 😂

I've never celebrated Halloween

It's not a huge loss. I actually don't even like the holiday that much. I hate getting scared and I don't like spooky movies. And I don't even like candy that much. It's a pointless Holiday actually.

I can’t with anything scary but I love Halloween! It’s the one chance I get to be anyone I want.


So I found the photo of my costume along with some other things… My mom's photos on her phone are connected to mine, so turns out she sneakily took photos and videos of me at a Halloween dance 3 days later. I did not say she could do that… She's probably uploaded them to Facebook without my knowledge just like she does with my artwork


My mom added a ton of makeup to my face in an attempt to make my eyes look bigger… It didn't work

This is who I was supposed to look like, my mom said "No one's gonna recognize you anyway" so she didn't even try.


…And here's one of my mom's pictures she took without my permission, it's blurry as heck but it's still me. (I'm the one in the pumpkin dress)

I look like I was trying to find the snack bar so I could escape my best friend while she was distracted


I was a fairy for Halloween every year until I was seven, when I was a swanee-swan from the Lorax. I've been a witch, a galaxy, Tris, Ladybug, a mermaid, and I think a pumpkin (not in this order). Dunno what I'll be this year lol

@The-Magician group

I was a fairy for Halloween every year until I was seven, when I was a swanee-swan from the Lorax. I've been a witch, a galaxy, Tris, Ladybug, a mermaid, and I think a pumpkin (not in this order). Dunno what I'll be this year lol

You should be a Raven!!