This probably isn't the healthiest method, but sometimes I'll keep a calender of things that are important to me and coming up to motivate myself to just stay alive for them. Like movies I want to see, shows I want to watch, books I want to read, etc.
So if I'm having a super bad day I can go "hey, I have to make it to the 20th so I can see The Rise of Skywalker" and then after that comes out "I have to make it to the 24th for Christmas Eve/25th for Christmas", "I have to take care of myself until February for Clone Wars Season 7 and The King of Crows."
It really helps keep the good things in perspective when it sometimes seems like there aren't any.
sometimes you just need something to look forward to. i used steven universe future as a reason for a few weeks. right now i'm looking forward to deh, seeing some friends this friday, and a (rather bittersweet) goodbye party for one of my best friends
sometimes it's just the little things that i really want to be able to be alive for