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people_alt 44 followers

Deleted user

Hey, I'm SG. I'm a lonely gurl who wants online friends because she seems to be physically incapable to make friends irl. Also, I have a tendency to speak in the third person.

Hello there, SG! Pleasant to make your acquaintance.

@Pickles group

Lol I just meant I didn't know what was going on so I was gonna join when the subject changed. But by all means, continue. I'm rather entertained trying to figure out what you're talking about

Deleted user

Lol I just meant I didn't know what was going on so I was gonna join when the subject changed. But by all means, continue. I'm rather entertained trying to figure out what you're talking about

Well, we were talking about plays/musicals. Are you interested in that sort of stuff or no? And if not, what are you interested in?

Deleted user

I am! Freaking Brightstar

Ooh. I haven't heard of that one but please go on!

Deleted user

Is Brightstar a definite reccomendation then?

Deleted user

Well then lol. I'll watch it as soon as I can. Any hints/advice/warnings going into it?

@Pickles group

Lol I just meant I didn't know what was going on so I was gonna join when the subject changed. But by all means, continue. I'm rather entertained trying to figure out what you're talking about

Well, we were talking about plays/musicals. Are you interested in that sort of stuff or no? And if not, what are you interested in?

Some. I don't know a whole lot though. Probably why I was confused

Deleted user

Lol I just meant I didn't know what was going on so I was gonna join when the subject changed. But by all means, continue. I'm rather entertained trying to figure out what you're talking about

Well, we were talking about plays/musicals. Are you interested in that sort of stuff or no? And if not, what are you interested in?

Some. I don't know a whole lot though. Probably why I was confused

That's fine lmao. Do you wish to talk about something else?

Deleted user

Um, there's some… things that happen that can be offensive.

Ah. Understandable.

@Pickles group

Nope, y'all are having a lovely conversation and I'm content to spectate for now. No need to change the subject for me

Deleted user

It's a sweet sort of sad

Oh. So bring tissues?