forum Grant a wish game
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@Milani eco

granted, but you get woken up by ice cold water being poured in your face

I wish I could understand science.

granted, but you can never do a science experiment ever again, only book work.
i wish i had a flat stomach

Deleted user

granted, but you cant buy anything for yourself

i wish i could run faster

@Milani eco

Granted but you can’t drink anything but water

I wish all movies on YouTube were free

granted but you cant watch anything but movies on youtube.
i wish i was in a relationship

@Milani eco

Granted and you deserve to be in a happy relationship. No downside.
I wish I could draw better.

granted, but you can only draw on paper, no painting, no digital art.
i wish that people didnt think i was weird because i have autism

Deleted user

granted, but now everyone thinks you're weird for everything else
i wish i could pay attention to things for more than 5 minutes

Deleted user

granted, but it come out as a sea sick sorta green

I wish I could draw human anatomy

Granted, but you cannot stop obsessing over drawing the human heart.

I wish I took better care of myself (or didn't have to take care of myself).

@Spring group

Granted, but now you have bright green skin.

I wish I knew how to play a ukulele

granted but now you can only play Riptide

I wish I could come out to my family and my family would understand