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@Rvan group

Please don’t leave
I know you don’t know me nor I know you
But please don’t
We all love you even if this is only the internet
And I would be immensely sad if you left


Austin, I know you don't want to be here, you've made that very very clear. But please don't give up just yet, I'm not going to promise that things will get better because sometimes they don't, but nothing will get better if you don't stay, if you leave who are you leaving to clean up after you, who are you leaving who will have to live the rest of there lives knowing that they failed it trying to save you. I actually think about this a lot what impact my life has had or is going to have on others, how will you be impacting your friends the people who care about you if you leave. You've said time and time again you don't want to hurt anyone it's not anyone's fault, but if you leave that wont keep any one from feeling like they should have done this, or this or that. Leaving causes more problems then it solves, think of the people you would be hurting , think of the lives you would forever change,you have limitless potential, limitless no matter what you tell your self.


Alrighty. Austin, I have depression. And I can't stop thinking about existentialism, and that nothing I do will ever matter. I feel like no one cares. People say nice things but no one actually cares. Everything's a lie, every day a wave crashing down, every person a traitor… I can't trust. But listen. You do matter. So what if no one cares in a billion years? So what if your echoing voice isn't heard by everyone. It's heard by me. It's heard by your friends, this community on Notebook is begging you to realize that the echoes are being heard. So please stay.


Listen pal… We all love you very much… And I'm definitely sure that none of us would be able to live with ourselves if we let you just leave. We're here to support you. No matter what… So help me if I have to wake up and give you a hundred reasons to live each and every dsy, then that's what I'll do… Not so much for myself and these people on, but for those amazingly wonderful friendsof yours. I promise I'll try my best to keep you afloat, and, for what it's worth, you seem like a smart, cultured human being. I can't promise you the world… But I can at the very least promise you my love and support, and I'm sure everyone on Notebook stsnds behind me on this… You're a good man… So be one for as long as you can…


I will pull a marten Luther (He was my great great great great great great great great great great great great great great Grandfather by the way on my dad's side) And nail 95 theses's on why your Fantastic to this chat.