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Started by Deleted user

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Deleted user

and knowing my friends, before any of my parents could say anything they could be like let’s get out of here and I wouldn’t be back for days

Deleted user

so many nights where I was on the edge
edge of giving up, edge of being done.


Just cause I'm still here doesn't mean I'm fine. What happens when I'm not here? Is it just 'too late' by then?


I was referring back to what Austin said about his parents and family not realizing what he's going through.

Deleted user

those lyrics were something that I was writing tonight. Directed at my circle of friends

Deleted user

edge of giving up, edge of being done
Final laps of the run.

Deleted user

thanks……… this song is just piano and vocals which is a bit of a departure from the usual sound for the rest of the material from this year

Deleted user

for the intro of that song, there’s a bit of a monalogue

Deleted user

that’s the day that me and a friend that I haven’t spoken to now since almost 2 1/2 years ago started talking