forum For people struggling with self harm or depression
Started by Sophia

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Just a chat for the people that aren’t afraid to admit that they aren’t perfect and need someone to talk to like myself

@HighPockets group

I have depression, anxiety, mild OCD, and aspergers. For me what helps is to find good celebrity role models with the same things I have, or other mental illness, such as her majesty the late, great Carrie Fisher.


I have depression, anxiety, and (possible) aspergers. For me, the best ways to cope are drawing all over my arms, square breathing, and finding good songs to listen to when things get really bad. And losing myself way too far into my thoughts and imagination, but I can't really control that.


I draw on my arms too and it helps me a lot, it also helps me to put ace wraps on my arms :) I’m glad you’re here


I used to struggle with an eating/exercising disorder. The only thing that helped me get over my obsession and anger with my image, my eating, and my exercise was Jesus. He gave me strength, helped me see what truly mattered in life, and fulfilled me more than what looking "pretty" could have given me. When I chased after anything that wasn't him, I was never satisfied. I'm serious when I say that if you want to learn more about what Christianity means to me, I'd love to share. :)


I have depression, anxiety, PTSD, Insomnia, and struggle with self-harm. I don't have a lot of solutions but, getting out of the situation helps me with panic attacks and depression "sessions". With PTSD I just have to let the clips roll through after getting out of the situation. With insomnia I have not found anything that works yet. I still struggle badly with them all though and these almost never help. With self-harm, I can't stop. It is an addiction. So yeah, my life sucks.


i'm kind of depressed because i have these really bad allergys and athsma and I sometimes an coughing so much, i stop breathing entirely

@HighPockets group

I might have insomnia but I’m not sure? I used to have tiny seizures when I slept so I got put on sleep meds, and I’ve been on them for like seven years now and I’m not sure if I can sleep without them or not.


@@jynandor I have (and sometimes use) a weighted blanket, and it's pretty awesome. The only problem with it is that it doesn't always work for me in the middle of an attack, and I don't use it as much as I should.
It's cool to see that other people draw on their arms too. I sometimes get complements on it, but I don't know how to break it to people that the only reason I do it is to keep myself from self-harming. Especially since the last person there that I told about my depression didn't take me seriously.

@Neon_Gravestones_Try_To_Call_For_My_Bones-(It's MK)

I used to self-harm but one of my friends caught me and took it away, making me promise that I would never do that to myself again. He let me sit there and cry while he hugged me and told me he understood after washing my arms in the sink. After I had calmed down, he took out a sharpie and drew a broken stitched together heart on my wrist and then one on his own. Every day he gives me a hug whenever I see him, he can tell when I've had a bad day and he texts me every morning to let me know that he's still here for me. When he found out I had begun self-harming again, he cried and drove to my house and cuddled with me until I fell asleep. He's my best friend and he's the only person who can calm me down after one of my attacks and the only person who can get me to take my depression and heart meds. I don't think I'd be here without him. I still self-harm sometimes, but definitely not as often.

I currently struggle with depression, self-harm, suicidal thoughts, anxiety, and possibly an eating disorder. I constantly worry about how people might think I'm ugly or stupid or things like that. My parents recently forced me into a mental hospital, not because they wanted me to get better, but because my school found out about my cutting and said I couldn't return until I got better help. I'm just so tired all the time, of people, of current events, of living. I just want to stop existing, at least for a while.


I'm sorry to any of you here struggling with these things. I would love to talk and give you inspiration. Anything to help you though tough times. I occasionally have muscle spasms, but it's nothing serious. Sometimes I self-harm out of anger because I have some anger issues. It's nothing serious at all. I will keep you all in my prayers!


i'm kind of depressed because i have these really bad allergys and athsma and I sometimes an coughing so much, i stop breathing entirely

I understand you. I'm allergic to dust and mildly allergic to pollen, so sometimes that can be tough, but I know many people here have it worse.

@Neon_Gravestones_Try_To_Call_For_My_Bones-(It's MK)

I currently struggle with depression, self-harm, suicidal thoughts, anxiety, and possibly an eating disorder. I constantly worry about how people might think I'm ugly or stupid or things like that. My parents recently forced me into a mental hospital, not because they wanted me to get better, but because my school found out about my cutting and said I couldn't return until I got better help. I'm just so tired all the time, of people, of current events, of living. I just want to stop existing, at least for a while.

I get that. I've said that I want to die, but that's not entirely true. I want to completely disappear from existance until I'm totally better, but that isn't possible so the only way I can explain it is that I want to die. Nobody understands that, everybody just says crap like "Me" or "Mood" but they don't understand that I'm serious.


You are all in my prayers.
I struggle with self esteem, depression and extreme social anxiety. (Allergies are hell, too.) I've never wanted to end my life, but I wish there was some dimension where one could go and just be inexistent. Dove ai. I can really relate with worrying what other people think.


I have not been diagnosed with anything, and the feelings come and go. The feelings were of constant melancholy and depression. A few months ago, when I was feeling real depressed, I started to hurt myself. After receiving a bad grade on an important assignment, I went back to my desk and started carving an "N" into my arm with my pencil. I intended to write "No Help" but I got a grip of myself before I could do that. I still have an N-shaped scar in my arm today. The darkness eventually got so bad that I put a gun to my head. I felt the cold metal against my temple, and I just shut down. I put the gun back, I backed away, curled up, and cried. I haven't done anything like that since. I'm doing fine now, but sometimes I'm afraid that I'll be swept away back into the dark.