forum For people struggling with self harm or depression
Started by Sophia

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@HighPockets group

Was Frank Sinatra the Rat Pack guy?? If so, he had ties with some mafias I believe (what nooo I don't have a slightly unhealthy obsession with mafias where'd you get that idea? Just fuggetaboutit.)


I struggle with depression. I am always compared to my sister. She gets perfect grades, never disobeys; the perfect child. I feel as if I am useless…like if my parents have her they don't need a screw up like me. I don't harm myself in any way or want to kill myself. I just want to disappear. I just feel like I cant do anything right and always ruin things. Out of anger and depression I wrote a couple poems…here's one of them.

The Cover Up
Finally my tears ran dry,
I suddenly could no longer cry.
Why do I feel this way?
Feelings of depression everyday.
Nobody knew, not one single soul,
I covered it up and didn't act dull.
After school, on the floor,
Behind a closed door,
The tears could come,
Until I slept, I was finally done.
Nobody knew, not one single soul,
I covered it up and didn't act dull.

@Rvan group

Can I get advice from here y’all?
I’ve been struggling a little bit with self harm and I’m 98% sure I have depression
But I don’t know how to ask for help
I don’t know how to tell my parent or my sister or anyone
And it’s just getting harder for me to deal with by myself
I can’t even remember the last time I was happy

@Neon_Gravestones_Try_To_Call_For_My_Bones-(It's MK)

Um…I don't know how much help I'll be @Rvan because my family knows nothing about my depression, but I have told a few really close friends that have been helping me a lot lately. It helps to tell them because I know they won't judge me for the way I'm feeling or if I have bad days they won't tell me to get over myself. It was getting bad for a long time, I hadn't cried in a long time and everything just felt numb. After talking with them I started finding other ways to get through my depression and stopped self harming, instead I started writing and drawing. It's been a few years but now I can find slight happiness in things again. I can be around people and not have to fake my smile and my laugh so much anymore. It really helps to tell someone because it makes it easier when you have someone to talk to if that's any help at all….sorry, I'm really bad at giving advice…..


If you don't feel comfortable talking about it you could try writing a letter, it's cheesy but it works, a friend of mine and I write letters to each-other and exchange them and through that we've been able to tell eachother things that we normally wouldn't be able to.

@Rvan group

I tried telling my parents about my depression and my dad yelled at me to stop crying, my mom doesn’t understand what I’m going through, she thinks it can just be fixed. I’ve been basically crying all day now…
I hate it too


I've been self harming again and I don't know how to tell my parents because I promised I wouldn't to it again and I am. If I tell my friends then they'll go to their parents and then tell my mum.
It's hard because one of my friends hits me every time I do something like this or say something suicidal or depressing which has stopped me from telling her and I don't know what to do anymore.

@HighPockets group

I tried telling my parents about my depression and my dad yelled at me to stop crying, my mom doesn’t understand what I’m going through, she thinks it can just be fixed. I’ve been basically crying all day now…
I hate it too

Same, Rvan. It's the literal worst.


I'm really sorry guys. I'll always be here to talk to and won't ever judge. If only I weren't just a name on a screen whose words will be forgotten and could never solve anything. I just have to sit here and watch and pray for your happiness while I pretend to be happy in real life. I'm going around in circles blaming myself and saying I'm sorry and looking weak online and then coming apart from the inside. I really hope all your problems can be solved and cry for all of you.