forum ✨dRaMaTiC✨ Insults, Power of the Chancla, Large Fonts, Duolingo Threats, Chicky Babies, and Cheesecake: The Saga of the Chicken (This chat is discontinued, move onto part 2 of this please.)
Started by @IamNOTachickenok

people_alt 105 followers

Deleted user

I'm also fond of everyone here too ;-;

(hooray for wholesome vibes)

@Eli-the-transboi group

I'm also fond of everyone here too ;-;

(hooray for wholesome vibes)

It is rather unusual for this group to be wholesome

Ikr- usually we’re tryna kill each other-

@just_gabs_needs_springtime group

I'm also fond of everyone here too ;-;

(hooray for wholesome vibes)

It is rather unusual for this group to be wholesome


Deleted user

I need help with somthing

Yes hello what is up friend

I'm DMing a dnd game for some friends, but i can't come up with a plot

what type of players are they ;-;

Deleted user

I need help with somthing

Yes hello what is up friend

I'm DMing a dnd game for some friends, but i can't come up with a plot

So are you already in the process of the campaign and need help, or are you trying to make a story prior to the first session? Also, is this your first time DMing?

Deleted user

spins in circles untill i vomit

no don't vomit

vomits out of spite why is my vomit glittery.

Stop it… get some help.

Deleted user

spins in circles untill i vomit

no don't vomit

vomits out of spite why is my vomit glittery.

because you keep eating glitter and glass

AlSo GuYs I hAvE dOnE tHe ImPoSsIbLe AnD rEaD tHrOuGh ThIs EnTiRe ChAt

Deleted user

;-; spins cause im over(or under) stimulated

Roleplay then?

@Eli-the-transboi group

spins in circles untill i vomit

no don't vomit

vomits out of spite why is my vomit glittery.

because you keep eating glitter and glass

AlSo GuYs I hAvE dOnE tHe ImPoSsIbLe AnD rEaD tHrOuGh ThIs EnTiRe ChAt

Oh god- XD

Deleted user

spins in circles untill i vomit

no don't vomit

vomits out of spite why is my vomit glittery.

because you keep eating glitter and glass

AlSo GuYs I hAvE dOnE tHe ImPoSsIbLe AnD rEaD tHrOuGh ThIs EnTiRe ChAt


Deleted user

spins in circles untill i vomit

no don't vomit

vomits out of spite why is my vomit glittery.

because you keep eating glitter and glass

AlSo GuYs I hAvE dOnE tHe ImPoSsIbLe AnD rEaD tHrOuGh ThIs EnTiRe ChAt

that is an Accomplishment indeed

Deleted user

spins in circles untill i vomit

no don't vomit

vomits out of spite why is my vomit glittery.

because you keep eating glitter and glass

AlSo GuYs I hAvE dOnE tHe ImPoSsIbLe AnD rEaD tHrOuGh ThIs EnTiRe ChAt

whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? CONGRATULATIONS!