forum ✨dRaMaTiC✨ Insults, Power of the Chancla, Eldritch Beings, Old Rivalries, Chicken Chaos, Large Fonts, and Cheesecake: The Saga of the Chicken Part 3: Tokyo Drift (CLOSED)
Started by @Morals-are-for-mortals language

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@Eli-the-transboi group

I’m very stupid-

This is false. It's only intuitive if you speak spanish or another romance language

XDD Romance language- amazing- but no it’s true- I saw an extra letter in ur name and brain imploded-

@RhysTheFirebird group

I read it da-vid-io. ;-;

That’s what it is, Kai- XDDD

… no. Duh-VAH-dio

It’s literally a slight difference, and you can play if off as an accent. So shut the hell up, old man.
Sometimes I say video like vah-dio

@Eli-the-transboi group

I’m very stupid-

This is false. It's only intuitive if you speak spanish or another romance language

XDD Romance language- amazing- but no it’s true- I saw an extra letter in ur name and brain imploded-

Tends to do that to people ;)
Also what do you think I mean by romance language?

Any language that sounds nice/sexy when you speak it. French (sometimes) Spanish, Italian, Latin…those ones.

@RhysTheFirebird group

I’m very stupid-

This is false. It's only intuitive if you speak spanish or another romance language

XDD Romance language- amazing- but no it’s true- I saw an extra letter in ur name and brain imploded-

Tends to do that to people ;)
Also what do you think I mean by romance language?

Any language that sounds nice/sexy when you speak it. French (sometimes) Spanish, Italian, Latin…those ones.

Those ARE the Romance languages. . . XDDD

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

I read it da-vid-io. ;-;

That’s what it is, Kai- XDDD

… no. Duh-VAH-dio

It’s literally a slight difference, and you can play if off as an accent. So shut the hell up, old man.
Sometimes I say video like vah-dio

… It's a huge difference. One makes you sound like a moron if you persist in saying it once corected, Rhys, and the other one is correct.
Youre allowed to represent yourself however you like, I wont stop you. But just know, however you say my name will forever color my impression of you. Wanna call it an accent? Go ahead, but it's immediately an uneducated dumb hick accent.

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

I’m very stupid-

This is false. It's only intuitive if you speak spanish or another romance language

XDD Romance language- amazing- but no it’s true- I saw an extra letter in ur name and brain imploded-

Tends to do that to people ;)
Also what do you think I mean by romance language?

Any language that sounds nice/sexy when you speak it. French (sometimes) Spanish, Italian, Latin…those ones.

Youre both correct and incorrect XD those happen to be the right family of languages but that's their proper linguistic name, for reasons other than sexiness.
altho that too

@RhysTheFirebird group

I read it da-vid-io. ;-;

That’s what it is, Kai- XDDD

… no. Duh-VAH-dio

It’s literally a slight difference, and you can play if off as an accent. So shut the hell up, old man.
Sometimes I say video like vah-dio

… It's a huge difference. One makes you sound like a moron, Rhys, and the other one is correct.
Youre allowed to represent yourself however you like, I wont stop you. But just know, however you say my name will forever color my impression of you. Wanna call it an accent? Go ahead, but it's immediately an uneducated dumb hick accent.

I’m joking, lol.
I’ve always said it Da-vah-dio, though more emphasis on ‘Da’ than ‘Vah’.
I know how to say it, I’m just trying to make Kai feel better because. . . It”s Kai.

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

I’m joking, lol.
I’ve always said it Da-vah-dio, though more emphasis on ‘Da’ than ‘Vah’.
I know how to say it, I’m just trying to make Kai feel better because. . . It”s Kai.

bombastic side-eye ….
But see, once corrected, he went to the right pronunciation, which removes any stigma :D

@Eli-the-transboi group

I’m joking, lol.
I’ve always said it Da-vah-dio, though more emphasis on ‘Da’ than ‘Vah’.
I know how to say it, I’m just trying to make Kai feel better because. . . It”s Kai.

Gee thanks- T^T

@Eli-the-transboi group

;-; yeah but ima have to constantly look back to the chat to see if I’m saying it right- ;-;

Or just stick with Skittles ;) that works too

I think that’s what ima do- XD mainly cause I’m dumb and have the memory of a goldfish-

@RhysTheFirebird group

I’m joking, lol.
I’ve always said it Da-vah-dio, though more emphasis on ‘Da’ than ‘Vah’.
I know how to say it, I’m just trying to make Kai feel better because. . . It”s Kai.

Gee thanks- T^T
