forum ✨dRaMaTiC✨ Insults, Power of the Chancla, Eldritch Beings, Old Rivalries, Chicken Chaos, Large Fonts, and Cheesecake: The Saga of the Chicken Part 3: Tokyo Drift (CLOSED)
Started by @Morals-are-for-mortals language

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Deleted user

Want to write actual character bits of porting cause I’ll need practice. . . Don’t know how to switch from my regular rp format. Maybe I should read more books again.

If you can say 'read more books again' that implies you haven't been reading books, then heck yes go read some gashdang to heck books

@Morals-are-for-mortals language

Want to write actual character bits of porting cause I’ll need practice. . . Don’t know how to switch from my regular rp format. Maybe I should read more books again.

If you can say 'read more books again' that implies you haven't been reading books, then heck yes go read some gashdang to heck books

I have been reading stories but they’re webtoons :(
And I like reading books but my school stopped requiring me to read daily so I stopped

Deleted user

Want to write actual character bits of porting cause I’ll need practice. . . Don’t know how to switch from my regular rp format. Maybe I should read more books again.

If you can say 'read more books again' that implies you haven't been reading books, then heck yes go read some gashdang to heck books

I have been reading stories but they’re webtoons :(
And I like reading books but my school stopped requiring me to read daily so I stopped

…fair. I sometimes has solid weeks where I just read comics and manga and don't read any new actual novels. Just go to the library tho.

@Morals-are-for-mortals language

Want to write actual character bits of porting cause I’ll need practice. . . Don’t know how to switch from my regular rp format. Maybe I should read more books again.

If you can say 'read more books again' that implies you haven't been reading books, then heck yes go read some gashdang to heck books

I have been reading stories but they’re webtoons :(
And I like reading books but my school stopped requiring me to read daily so I stopped

…fair. I sometimes has solid weeks where I just read comics and manga and don't read any new actual novels. Just go to the library tho.

Yeah that’s fair too there’s not really anything stopping me except my own motivation

@FRANKtheTritoposaur group

Look at it

A has a complicated job. Not really. She does whats asked of her and collects her money bi-weekly. But, whats asked of her isn't normally peaceful. She's dangerous and quick and bold. Everything an assin needs to be.

When her boss tells her the next big job she'll be participating in she dosen't think anything of it. A major politician. He's guarded heavily. He owes them and won't pay up. He's not responding to the threats either. Theres a party he's holding. An anniversary for him and his wife. One thing. She needs a date to get in. Nobody will go with her, she's not known for a safe exit.

A puts up and ad, "Fake girlfriend needed. Will compensate." B responds.

B is a tragic girl. Unsafe childhood, mental illness running on both sides, unplaned pregnancy at 15, on her own by 16. It's nearly impossible to sustain yourself when you are working minimum wage, going to school, and living completely on your own. Of course, she signs up. Money and a chance to play pretend? Why wouldn't she?

@Eli-the-transboi group

Imagine being nearly a foot shorter than a 14 year old

bows I’m a foot shorter than Rhys. And yet I can still dom them. So shut your 14 year old mouth before I throw you/j