forum ✨dRaMaTiC✨ Insults, Power of the Chancla, Eldritch Beings, Old Rivalries, Chicken Chaos, Large Fonts, and Cheesecake: The Saga of the Chicken Part 3: Tokyo Drift (CLOSED)
Started by @Morals-are-for-mortals language

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I mean I was on p much all day minus an hour and a half where my sister invited me to commit psychological terrorism on our other sister

i wants to do that

Deleted user

Yes. We placed exactly 50 small glow-in-the-dark frogs around her trailer. She comes home from a trip tomorrow. I await her reaction.

i really wants to do that

@Morals-are-for-mortals language

Yes. We placed exactly 50 small glow-in-the-dark frogs around her trailer. She comes home from a trip tomorrow. I await her reaction.

i really wants to do that

breaks into your house and places approximately 50 frogs in increasingly difficult places so you’ll be finding them for months

@Eli-the-transboi group


Turns to you, smiling wide. My teeth are small plastic frogs. There is no escape.

…..holds up a real frog

Omg thankyou takes the frog

grins as the frog proceeds to inhale your finger

@Morals-are-for-mortals language


Turns to you, smiling wide. My teeth are small plastic frogs. There is no escape.

…..holds up a real frog

Omg thankyou takes the frog

grins as the frog proceeds to inhale your finger

It is snorfing my finger
absorbs the frog and it becomes the finger