forum ✨dRaMaTiC✨ Insults, Power of the Chancla, Eldritch Beings, Old Rivalries, Chicken Chaos, Large Fonts, and Cheesecake: The Saga of the Chicken Part 3: Tokyo Drift (CLOSED)
Started by @Morals-are-for-mortals language

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@Morals-are-for-mortals language

Just watched a video where a kid denied they were eating skittles and his mom asked him to open his mouth (which was full of skittles) and then he proceeded to drop the skittles he had in his hands all over the floor which created a myriad of clacking sounds. I can only see this as Skittles (the person) as a child.

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stumbles into chat and wraps a blanket around myself and starts to cry

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stumbles into chat and wraps a blanket around myself and starts to cry

Aw nu
gives u cheesecake


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The urge to just make a Pinterest board of cool outfits for echo (chicken saga edition)

dew it

@im-with-stoopid pets

Just been having these random super-specific memories of exactly one weekend when I was like, seven
I was:

  • traumatized by seeing Mortal Kombat for the first time
  • convinced that touching a flea collar gave you fleas, and then thought I had fleas
  • told not to give food to the dog, and then spent a day thinking there was a dog, when they really just wanted me to stop dropping food on the floor