forum ✨dRaMaTiC✨ Insults, Power of the Chancla, Eldritch Beings, Old Rivalries, Chicken Chaos, Large Fonts, and Cheesecake: The Saga of the Chicken Part 3: Tokyo Drift (CLOSED)
Started by @Morals-are-for-mortals language

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@Dancing_With_My_Demons business

(I just finished reading my last DM to Visio and realized. . . I never replied. . . Cause I couldn’t figure out how to kick the dudes ass)

not me thinking that DM = dungeon master and struggling to figure out how that would work.

@RhysTheFirebird group

(I just finished reading my last DM to Visio and realized. . . I never replied. . . Cause I couldn’t figure out how to kick the dudes ass)

not me thinking that DM = dungeon master and struggling to figure out how that would work.


@Dancing_With_My_Demons business

(I just finished reading my last DM to Visio and realized. . . I never replied. . . Cause I couldn’t figure out how to kick the dudes ass)

not me thinking that DM = dungeon master and struggling to figure out how that would work.


Were they not? could've sworn that they were…

@RhysTheFirebird group

(I just finished reading my last DM to Visio and realized. . . I never replied. . . Cause I couldn’t figure out how to kick the dudes ass)

not me thinking that DM = dungeon master and struggling to figure out how that would work.


Were they not? could've sworn that they were…

HE TOTALLY WAS- he made the story and we all followed around like little puppets and and he always made the situation- ahh. . . The good dats sobs

@Dancing_With_My_Demons business

(I just finished reading my last DM to Visio and realized. . . I never replied. . . Cause I couldn’t figure out how to kick the dudes ass)

not me thinking that DM = dungeon master and struggling to figure out how that would work.


Were they not? could've sworn that they were…

HE TOTALLY WAS- he made the story and we all followed around like little puppets and and he always made the situation- ahh. . . The good dats sobs

Hugs it's ok.

@RhysTheFirebird group

(I just finished reading my last DM to Visio and realized. . . I never replied. . . Cause I couldn’t figure out how to kick the dudes ass)

not me thinking that DM = dungeon master and struggling to figure out how that would work.


Were they not? could've sworn that they were…

HE TOTALLY WAS- he made the story and we all followed around like little puppets and and he always made the situation- ahh. . . The good dats sobs

Hugs it's ok.

Anyways- I have something to make y’all laugh. My last convo with him- one sec-

@RhysTheFirebird group

Well, second to last anyways-

I feel loved :)
Not that I didn’t already
Also, you spooky a** bastard.
Do you see- that when you turned into a cat, my cat (who is black with blue eyes, we just got him, so I don’t have any pics yet) walked up to me, curled up in my lap and started purring.
You’re spooky af—
I named him Visio after that. Idk what his name was before. Something like Pip-Squeak?

I smile He's a gift. Take care of him.

You’re still spooky af— seriously-
. . .
That doesn’t magically HAPPEN—
He’s just like you though, dark and broody, but still a fluffball- inside and out-

He'll look after you, I promise. I smile Give him lots and lots of attention. And treats, he loves treats.

What cat doesn’t love treats?
He’s hiding under my bed— all you can see are his eyes— wtf-
He scares me-
But not- at the same time—
He’s just staring—

For some reason mine-
As I said: he's looking out for you.

I mean this in the nicest way possible, your cat is unnatural
He doesn’t need to stare at me as I get ready for bed—

That sounds weird, but, like, I was changing and he was just staring at me-

So am I. What is your point here?

I chuckle If I may make a joke here. . . he quite possibly simply has taste.

I mean, yeah, you are- but maybe you never found the right treats?

. . . XDDDD
I mean, probably, but still— he doesn’t need to stare while I’m trying to get dressed into my pj’s.
. . .
(that moment you pause to think about what your cat has seen)

Well, I did, but I could never have them-

I suppose. I chuckle
(Probably more than you want to think about)

Are we still talking about the cat, or are we talking about you now?

I’m not wrong. He doesn’t need to see that.
(Probably, but I still thought about it anyways)

How about both?

Cats think they do, though-


Okay, one, your cat probably found snuggling you her(?) treat, and, two, you’re enjoying your treat right now. Talking to all of us

Cats are entitled bastards that we f***ing love, but they need to stop staring at me as I get dressed. All five of them are staring—


Technically my real treat is Gemma but moving on-

I chuckle My cat loves to stare at me in the shower and will scream bloody murder until I let her in to do so. She also loves Metallica?

. . . That hurts, man, it’s not a treat to talk to me? (She is amazing though)

My cat will get under the blankets and sleep on my thighs. . . In the . . . Weirdest. . . Position— XD
Cats are f***ing crazy, lol.

Cat 1 will also licck the INSIDE of my nose if I dont give him enough pets.
Cat 2 with scream bloody murder if I leave him alone too long
Cat 3 with snuggle for two min, leave then come back. Repeatedly
Cat 4 just wants head scratches
Visio with shred my skin if I dont play with him.

I snicker Love all of you guys but she's my wife.

Sounding like a Victorian era gentleman Oh my word! Scandalous!
Sounds about right in all of those cases.

Yes, I know, that’s why I’m not being crazy about it

Yes, I know, but still, one, Visio doesn’t need to be on my thighs like that while I sleep, nor does he need to shred my skin.
Cat 4. . . She’s fine. Except when she eats plastic.
Cat 3’s. . . Just. . . She SpEcIaL
Cat 1, I love him, my little demon who wakes me up at 5 am just to pet him once and then get my hand bitten off.

But seriously, my cats dont need to see the things they do.
Nor do they need to be weird about it.

@Eli-the-transboi group

The day vis called me innocent. (He was comparing me to a cat or ferret-)

Like a cat- or a ferret. I smile

@Eli-the-transboi group Mar 18
^^ you’re so sweet-

Deleted user Mar 18
I turn slightly red Gratias tibi. . .

@Eli-the-transboi group Mar 18
Of course!

Deleted user Mar 18
I look away, still slightly red Nunc te protegam vita mea.

@Eli-the-transboi group Mar 18
Awwwww ^^

Deleted user Mar 18
I'm still looking away The innocent one must be protected.

@Eli-the-transboi group Mar 18
Awwww im not as innocent as you’d think but thanks!

Deleted user Mar 18
I shake my head You called me sweet- in my eyes you are innocent.

@Eli-the-transboi group Mar 18

Deleted user Mar 18
It's not that cute- I don't think.

@Eli-the-transboi group Mar 18
Oh yes it is. I’m known for being…chaotic-

Deleted user Mar 19
I'm known for being the Latin psychopath, myself-

XDD valid-

(Sorry I just copy and pasted)