forum ✨dRaMaTiC✨ Insults, Power of the Chancla, Eldritch Beings, Old Rivalries, Chicken Chaos, Large Fonts, and Cheesecake: The Saga of the Chicken Part 3: Tokyo Drift (CLOSED)
Started by @Morals-are-for-mortals language

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@Morals-are-for-mortals language

. . .
So what happens now? Do I open this chat? Do we create a new pm? My brain is filled with so much anxiety and adrenaline I don’t know what we all want to do.

At this point, as long as I have somewhere where I can talk to all of you and have it like the first chat with out a ton of drama… I’d be okay with that.

@RhysTheFirebird group

. . .
So what happens now? Do I open this chat? Do we create a new pm? My brain is filled with so much anxiety and adrenaline I don’t know what we all want to do.

At this point, as long as I have somewhere where I can talk to all of you and have it like the first chat with out a ton of drama… I’d be okay with that.

Hmm. . . Open it, set some rules. And, if someone starts causing drama, then you block them via your OWN account, so you don’t see their messages.

@RhysTheFirebird group

Yup. . . But also, it makes sense that if someone bothers you- you block them. . .
Idk- I’ll go with whatever everyone else decides. I want you guys to be happy and feel safe.

Deleted user

I’ll tell chicken the rules you set and tell you if she approves if you make them

Deleted user

‘What am I? Chopped fucking lungs?’

. . . I’m getting funny looks-

X,D I love that so much

@RhysTheFirebird group

Hey, guys, 4 hours ago, Visio said he’d be back in 4 hours, does that give me rights to start screaming his name, or should I wait patiently?

Did he say it at 3 or did he say it at 4

For me, CST, he said it at 2:30. Rn, it’s 6:40

Start yelling

OK- though if I get killed—

deep inhale


Ow. Also why?

I’m sorry. It took forever to load and I didn’t see you so ‘Don’t’

Ahhhhh. . . I remember this-
After that, he stole my food in PM’s

@RhysTheFirebird group

Everyone calm down slightly? It's not like I died- (yet) (Sorry I can't resist making morbid jokes in probably not okay situations.)


You. I step closer and look you in the eyes Poems. Now.

I cough Welllll. . . Uhmmm. . . There's a link in my profile. . . If you wanna- go read them- . . .

I swear to all the gods, Rhys, I will tear your fingers apart and bake them like chicken strips if you insult your poetry again.

It's baaaadddddd- okay?
And Comma's being DIFFICULT
Anyways, I've done better.
and, if you do that, how will I write more?

I glare and place a hand on my sword's handle

I stick my tongue out
Look, all those were written in 5 in or less. They are bad compared to what is in y jurnal. It took me 2 min to write yours.

Show me mine.

When I wrote a poem for Visio-

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

( >@EldritchHorror-Davadio . . . Why did I laugh so hard reading thins?!)
(I'm not sure, Rhys, but I'm glad it made you smile a little)
(Also. Looks like y'all are coming to some conclusions. I will say that the newbies have formed their own chat, and largely seem content to be on their own. It may not turn out that opening the chat means theres a flood of irritating users)
(Regardless of how this comes out, you all can build another chat, with lore of its own, if things go badly. I recognize the history that's here, but that statement is mostly for everyone falling apart about this. Your friendships and the family you've built aren't going anywhere. It may get renamed, but you're not about to lose that which you love, which is the connection)
(Try to remember that)

@RhysTheFirebird group

You guys know what would be a cool feature, if there was a page finder.
LIke, if you wanna find a certain page in the threads, you could just type the number in and find the page—