forum Don't Be Suspicious
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people_alt 113 followers

@The-Magician group

That's the bitch

Okay, now I wanna say something. SOMEONE GET THAT BITCH AWAY FROM ME. She won't stop bothering me. Her spelling and grammar is shit. And she all around makes me uncomfortable.

Now this is what I want to say about a few people on here..


Vaguely on the topic of new users and drama, two of my friends got into an argument apparently and now my best friend doesn’t want to use Discord as much anymore so…
if a new bean suddenly appears that already somehow understands half the inside jokes of this site, knows some of your names, and only refers to me as idiot, that’s probably definitely her

@HighPockets group

To quote Moxie, "God me too"

We're All in This Together plays

Refuses to dance even though I know it

Flashback to 5th grade when we did High School Musical but I forgot to audition

@Moxie group

It’s gonna be great. You’re not gonna die cause that’s lame so fuck that and because I’m calling it now. The clouds are gonna be pretty and you’re gonna get your cat and it’ll be great


Dear chat:
I wish your limbs would be cut off one by one with a pair of scissors.
I wish you’d be left alone in an empty room to slowly die of hunger.
I wish the whole world would suddenly turn against you, so you leave this earth unwanted and forgotten.
I wish you could finally see what you’ve done to those poor people, and experience it for yourself-
…You won’t be celebrating then, will you?
I will. I would be forever overflowing with joy, knowing you can’t hurt another living human being.
Each and every individual one of those people were and still are worth so much more than you’ll ever be, and if such precious life means so little to you, I don’t see a single reason why I shouldn’t be glad to see you die, you sick, vile creature.

I know I said I don’t truly hate anyone but you’ve crossed the line-
I want you to burn
I want you to suffer
I want you to experience all the torture hell has to offer
And the best part is, you will-
There is no hope for your forgiveness.
Not one little pinch!

If I had the opportunity to murder you I would without a second guess.
Hell, I’d give up my life, my soul, and the lives of many others, just to see you gone.
You are nothing.
Less than nothing.
You are the only person who I can say truly does deserve to die.
And I hope it happens soon-

(Note: for anyone who doesn’t remember, this isn’t actually intended towards the Rudeness chat or any of its beans. Whenever I get overwhelmingly angry (which doesn’t happen often), I vent it all out using this chat as an anonymous placeholder name so I don’t end up taking the anger out on any actual living humans/creatures/myself)

also please don’t ask what this was about, I’m not gonna give an answer, for all you know I could be talking about peanut butter

Deleted user

For a child that blushes at the word sex, you have an incredibly violent mind, Ella

Deleted user

That's not being an ass, that's just an observation. I didn't mean to insult you if it came off like that, Ella