forum Don't Be Suspicious
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@The-Magician group

My mum has four kids, my dad has 3? I'm the oldest of all of them.
The siblings that live with me are 8, 6 and 4. The two that live with my dad are probably around the same ages, if not a couple years older.
What bugs me is that when I'm 30, my brother will be 17…

@Reblod flag

I have a hippy sister who is 19 and already left home a year ago and a brother who is 21 and still lives at home
I'm the irritating younger sibling still leeching off our parents

@HighPockets group

Notebook is crazy because I can be telling someone that I'd let Cara Dune stab me and be venting about how stressed I feel in two chats at the exact same time.


My older brother is 21, freakishly intelligent, builds computers, and just moved out a few weeks ago
My older sister is 19, freakishly talented, owns like a million rabbits, and wants to move to Tennessee with her best friend next year
I’m 14, starving artist with one brain cell, and will probably be living with my parents until I’m 30
My little brother is 12, freakishly innocent (he’s known for walking up to my parents, telling them my sisters are watching something bad on the tv, and then explaining that one of the YouTubers said “oh my -word that isn’t g*sh-“), and only ever plays video games
My youngest brother just turned 10, can barely read, has quite some anger issues, and does nothing but play video games/bully my sisters
My little sister is 8, freakishly flexible, that one ballerina who could probably do all the dances while in a handstand
My baby sister is 4, freakishly gorgeous hair (seriously, who told you you could have natural flowing curls and blonde streaks, it’s not fair, you don’t need to be that pretty), has way too much sass, is literally the best human

I have two children, one’s a cat, the other is pupper.
The kitty is good girl, her name is Ms. Gibwit da Nibwit the Ultimately Superior Angel Baby Cupcake the Second, and yes, her name changes every time I talk about her
She is cuddly
She is baby
We love our very good girl

Then there’s Leo, he is dog, he run, he bork, he lick faces, he give me serious allergic reactions-
I love him so much

There’s also my nephew, Poe Dameron, he is the void, he is large chonky floofy boi with vampire teeth, he is handsome, and we love him as well

Then I also have parents I guess
My dad’s great, always at work
My mom’s great, she neglects us sometimes but she also likes kpop so that makes up for it

And now you know my entire family, even though absolutely no one asked for this information :D


I'm the oldest at 15 and I have two brothers
One is 13 and the other is 10 and their birthdays are two days apart.
they're hella annoying but idk what life would be like without them


I'm 18, the eldest sibling (even though I'm smaller than all of my family members) and a depressed college student trying to make it through finals week.
My brother is 16 and the only sibling I have. He's a huge dumbass who crashed two cars within 3 months. He has his moments. His room… let's just say I have to hold my breath before going in.
My dad is an uber stressed high school history teacher who used to be a rockstar.
My grandma is a spirited old woman who will light your fire should you step out of line.
My grandpa is a cheery old fellow with jokes galore.

My cat is named Babygirl, with looks to match but the personality of a brat.
My brother's cat is Tiger, an older grey tabby who loves attention no matter what. You could hold him upsidedown and he'd be purring like a lawnmower.
The dog is Ellie and she is a lovable lil sausage.
My grandparent's cat is Sassy, nicknamed Miss B, because if anyone besides Papa goes near her, she will growl and hiss and swipe at you.

@Reblod flag

Well now I want to talk about my pets

One dog is an old Staffy called Ferghus who still manages to be an absolute spazz. He's literally orange and he has a white old dog face and I would die for him.
The other dog is a little shit. Tiny. Thinks he's big. 'Nuff said.
Our cat is small, dainty and grey with a really strong predator instinct. She just showed up on our farm when she was a kitten and was like 'yep I live here now'. Her name is Bronte.

@Mojack group

My cats are Mozart and Jackson
Mozart is a big bully to Jackson and takes out his anger on Jackson, but sometimes they cuddle and groom each other. Then Jackson bites Mozart’s ears.

Mozart is a really friendly cat, no concept of personal space. He’s also a pretty big cat.

Jackson is smaller but older. They’re both around 3 years old. Jackson is shy, but he likes people food so don’t leave stuff unattended.

My other, first cat was Smokey, a Russian blue mixed breed. He was 16 and lived for a verrrry long time, but he was a gentle cat too. Not as shy as Jackson nor did he jump on counters or steal food. But he did steal elastics and fire them under the stove.

@Moxie group

I'm 17 and I have a little sister who is 13
She is really really good at dance and is on the competition team at our studio me? jealous? what are you talking about?
And then I have two dogs and they are my babies.
One is a miniature speckled dachshund and he loves me and I love him
The other is half dachshund, half chihuahua (I hate both of those words) and he is freaking adorable and still looks like a puppy at four years old

@Moxie group

Hahaha but why???

Idek tbh
Maybe because you've talked about them but you've never talked about interacting with them?
And its hard to picture you interacting with children in general

@The-Magician group

I mean if we want to talk siblings….
Danny is 1 of 8, four brothers and 3 sisters.
Scarlett is 1 of 4, three older brothers.
Atria is 1 of 3, one sister and one brother.
Lily is 1 of 10, 6 brothers and 3 sisters.
Daro is 1 of 3, one brother and one sister.

Deleted user

Honestly I can't be offended at that because me and children are not a good match. especially girl children. boy children love me.

they're just so small and dirty and loud and…..tiny drunk adults.

Deleted user

Im the oldest of four but my brother and sisters are not related.

M (my brother) is 13
G (my sister #1) is 4
E (my sister #2) is 4

Deleted user

I'm the oldest of three: Me, My brother, and then my 4 y/o half brother. I have older step siblings, but they're not in my life.