forum Debate. Debate. Debate.
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people_alt 109 followers

Deleted user

lmao yeah

They were about whether or not euthanasia is humane, and whether or not porn should be illegal

@HighPockets group

The death penalty should be legal only for extreme cases/serial offenses of things like murder and rape, and only if the case is provable beyond a reasonable doubt (is that the phrase? I think that's the phrase).

@Moxie group

(it is the phrase)

The thing is, there's no "humane" way to legally kill someone. Every way that is used when someone gets the death penalty is extremely painful
No one has done any research on it, because politicians asked doctors to test it and figure out a way and every doctor has said no, for obvious reasons
So they just have people who do not specialize in the human body making ways to kill someone on death row. And so every way is super painful and slow

Deleted user

I think it’s reasonable suspicion, Jyn, but that’s something completely different.

I think euthanasia should only be used in medical cases, for there are actual court rulings where doctors can offer “assisted suicide” to terminally ill patients. I did some research on it, and honestly I find myself siding with it. A lot of democratic/heavily liberal states like my own allow it.

Deleted user

Nope she was right, it was beyond a reasonable doubt. Just trust me on this one

oh ok, I just wasn’t entirely sure lmao

Deleted user

May I present: the guillotine.
Kidding again, let's not use that as our death penalty

@HighPockets group

I think that if the person has reached a point where a decent quality of life is unreachable, they should be allowed to choose it. Or if they're terminally ill and want to go out on their own terms instead of waiting for their body to slowly shut down and deal with that immense mental and physical pain.

@HighPockets group

I mean, obviously it shouldn't be used but I find the concept fascinating.
Though to be fair, I find death in general fascinating.

^ In reference to the euthanasia coaster, not euthanasia in general. I wasn't very clear.

Deleted user

I think that if the person has reached a point where a decent quality of life is unreachable, they should be allowed to choose it. Or if they're terminally ill and want to go out on their own terms instead of waiting for their body to slowly shut down and deal with that immense mental and physical pain.

^^ agreed.
Assisted suicide is actually a mercy to those in immense pain. As long as it is throughly regulated.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Guys I'm having a really rough time atm and this thread is keeping me going. Thank you Jyn. And Pickles. And Moxie. And Nutella for making me notice the spelling mistake. And of course, Eris, for being the cherry on the cake that made all this even more hilarious.