forum Dear, Loki_Hyakuya
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Deleted user

Yup, there comes the end of my social study.

Interesting indeed.


wow you sure act like one now Ravens and i never said the world revolved around me i just don like being told what to do that's all

Oh really? Really? I'm the immature one here? Think again, honey.

Deleted user

What a drama queen. Honestly, I doubt that you've really experienced actual pain, simply because people that have don't use it as an excuse or even talk about it really. You're copying what you see on TV about angsty teenagers and what not, which is not real life. Just get over yourself.

But I digress.


Besides. No one has it easy. I'm pretty sure all of us have a little darkness in our shadows but that doesn't mean we have to be an a**hole because of it.

@HighPockets group

What a drama queen. Honestly, I doubt that you've really experienced actual pain, simply because people that have don't use it as an excuse or even talk about it really. You're copying what you see on TV about angsty teenagers and what not, which is not real life. Just get over yourself.

But I digress.

"I'm weird. I'm a weirdo. You ever see me without this stupid hat? That's weird."

Deleted user

What a drama queen. Honestly, I doubt that you've really experienced actual pain, simply because people that have don't use it as an excuse or even talk about it really. You're copying what you see on TV about angsty teenagers and what not, which is not real life. Just get over yourself.

But I digress.

"I'm weird. I'm a weirdo. You ever see me without this stupid hat? That's weird."

XD Brilliant

@V01DtheFae group

eh i just wanted to say yeah i'm a bitch at times but it was not all my fault (well mostly it was) I just don't read context that well and it sounded a bit aggressive to so i acted on a whim so i am sorry. Forgive and forget?


eh i just wanted to say yeah i'm a bitch at times but it was not all my fault (well mostly it was) I just don't read context that well and it sounded a bit aggressive to so i acted on a whim so i am sorry. Forgive and forget?

Alright. I forgive you. Not sure about everyone else, though…


Hey, I know that this chat is dead, but I just want to thank you Loki for doing your best to apologize. I didn't know how else to reach you. It's awesome to see you mature and apologize, because that is the best thing. It really is appreciated. A lot of people on here really don't appreciate how awesome that is. It does take a lot to admit that you were wrong after such a long argument. Trust me I know. My sister and I had an argument earlier and I know I was in the wrong and it took me forever to apologize. So thank you for doing your best to apologize!