forum Dear, Loki_Hyakuya
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people_alt 50 followers

Deleted user

knock it off dumb asses for dissing my friend loki

Knock it off dumb asses? Really, that's all you have to say.
In the real world, we call that bias and no evidence whatsoever.

@HighPockets group

Wow, remarkable comeback there, darkdragon. Who also has no @ symbol and joined 11 days ago and has no visible worlds, characters, locations, or objects. Suspicious.

Deleted user

Not to be that guy, but I thought you were going to ignore and never respond?


Hello, hey, maybe we could just drop this subject? I know that some of you may be really pissed off and I understand, I do. There are times I get angry as well. But maybe we could resolve this issue, by maybe giving Loki a second chance? Maybe even Loki, you could say sorry? Who knows some might even forgive and forget.

I was apart of the chat where Loki went off on a bit of an aggression rampage, which really wasn't appropriate, but could we maybe make up and forgive each other so that this discussion could end in a peaceful way?

Please do not take offence to this post, I am just trying to find a peaceful conclusion to the problem and trust me when I say, that I am not trying to be the 'Perfect Person Who Does Nothing Wrong and Knows That They Are Better Than Others Because They are A Goody-Goody.' Trust me, I don't want to be that person. I also don't want to be the person that let others get hurt. I also don't want others to hold grudges against each other, which can lead to future problems in other discussions and rps. So…maybe we could forgive each other?

Deleted user




We shouldn't??

Loki has been everything but forgivable in this chat since they joined it. They've been rude, they've been flat-minded, they've been… just ugh.

And not to be rude but to tell the truth, I personally wouldn't mind if this got in the way of an RP. Because… yikes. I wouldn't let them join.

But me personally, I'd love to forgive them, but they've just been nasty to us and my best daughter friend Jyn for like, no reason. And I can't have that.


Shouldn't we give them a second chance though? If they do admit that they are wrong and truthfully, honestly say sorry, shouldn't we forgive and forget so we can move past this? Maybe even if we say sorry for a couple things we have said to them, they might even come forward and say sorry? Who knows.

@HighPockets group

We gave them a second chance, and they reacted poorly to it. Read page 2 of the chat, we offered them a chance to redeem themself and they didn't.