forum Dear, Loki_Hyakuya
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Deleted user

Dear, Loki_Hyakuya

Stop fucking harassing my friend.
Jynnie did nothing to you but point out that you were doing something incorrectly.
You don't have to pm her and bother her.
You said, and I quote: "kiss my ass, marry my middle finger, and kill yourself"
First off, telling someone to kill themselves is against the law as it's encouraging suicide and therefore making you a killer if she actually does it.
You have also pmed her many false accusations and it's gotten to the point of where Jynnie, who I would consider close enough to be my sibling, has asked me and a few others in our friend group to help.

Sincerely, Logan

@Kanaroli group

Dear Devil-Town,

Instead of posting this on for all to see, maybe you should ask them in a private chat if the claims are true and have a non-toxic discussion, please and thank you.

Sincerely, HIC♓️

@HighPockets group

Dear Her Imperious Condescension,
They can't be summoned in a private chat since they don't have an @ symbol in their name, and Logan already tried that. And others tried in the Rudeness Chat. And it's not hurting you, so why bother?
Sincerely, Jynnie.

Deleted user

To Whom It May Concern:

It is in my humble opinion that people need to stop being afraid of 'Toxic Conversations™'. Buck up an face the hellfire people, life is not going to be a walk in the park after you leave mommy and daddy's house. Get used to it.
Also, let friends defend friends. How awful must someone be to not want to see others supporting each other? Stop judging people for the things they do that have nothing to do with you.

Sincerely One That Gives No Fucks,



(Wait a minute. This is just a question, I'm not trying to defend the person, please don't yell at me, but… If they can't be summoned in PMs, how are they PMing other people???)

Deleted user

Because others have @ which makes them able to be pmed, even by someone who doesn't


Hey…Im gonna say this the best way I know how. Let me just say I am not trying to anger anyone or annoy anyone, but let me just explain something here.

It isn't the fact that your yelling at someone very publicly, its the fact that you are humiliating them in front of everyone on I knew someone that was publicly humiliated on here, because he was judged for a misscommunication. People thought he was a bad person, so he left Notebook. I really dont want to see anyone leaving because they think Notebook is a horrible place. So please try to ask polietly first,.

@V01DtheFae group

yeah right here i am i have enough problems and i don't really need this shit i just hate it when someone thinks they can boss people around and not care that just ruined that person's fun so i'm just pissed that she did that when we were having FUN like normal people do.

Deleted user

yeah right here i am i have enough problems and i don't really need this shit i just hate it when someone thinks they can boss people around and not care that just ruined that person's fun so i'm just pissed that she did that when we were having FUN like normal people do.

But to threaten her and tell her the things you did were obscene and uncalled for. You could have publicly asked her to stop rather than dealing with it like am edgy twelve-year-old with "more problems than they can handle".

Deleted user

They specified in the rules that it was for fictional characters, not real life ones.
When Jynnie told you so, you proceded to say a very obscene and technically you encouraged suicide.
Then, you went into her pms and harrassed her.

Deleted user

i'm thirteen thank you very much and yes i am edgy i'm a fucking EDGE LORD!!

I'm thirteen and I'm not a complete asshole.
I understand hormones can be a bitch, but it seems like it's not the hormones.

Deleted user

I didn't fully harass her i showed strong opinions that is all

aggressive pressure or intimidation.

Deleted user

By what we heard from an older teenager (Jyn) as well as our friend, it sounded like harassment.