forum Dear, Loki_Hyakuya
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 50 followers

Deleted user

Wow literal proof of your actions but instead directed at others.

Just buck up, admit to it, and apologize.

Deleted user

well that is depression plus mental issue adding up and it does not mix well

I have depression and other mental issues but I am not harassing people? Don't use your illnesses as an excuse, it's disgusting.

Deleted user

well that is depression plus mental issue adding up and it does not mix well

Bud, most of us on here are struggling with mental issues.
I have schienzophrenia and a bi-polar disorder.

Deleted user

Not 'fully harassing her' is STILL harassing her.
When she asked you to stop you continued to do so.
Now she asked her friends to help her take care of this issue, hence the post.

WE are now asking you to stop your nonsense and leave her alone.

@HighPockets group

Wow, I totally have no idea whatsoever about what it's like to be depressed and have other mental illnesses….and yet somehow I don't act like a massive arseloch towards everyone. Go figure.

And if you're depressed, why the hell are you telling people to kill themselves? Just a thought.

Deleted user

well that is depression plus mental issue adding up and it does not mix well

This is not depression or other mental issues, this is you being unnecessarily rude to people that are asking you to leave their friend alone.

Deleted user

well that is depression plus mental issue adding up and it does not mix well

This is not depression or other mental issues, this is you being unnecessarily rude to people that are asking you to leave their friend alone.


Deleted user

I think it should, mainly because you're in the wrong. Just apologize and stop, even if you don't care.

If you don't care about misusing your mental "issues" then really, wow, you're an asshole.

Deleted user

Even if you are lying, an–

You're going to suffer in the adult world. Seriously.

@Moxie group

Hi Loki_Hyakuya. You're new around here so let me teach you something.
Here on good ol' we have these dandy things called threads. Anyone can make their own thread. And when you do, you are essentially the "owner" of said thread. That means you get to make the rules of that thread. And if someone comes into the thread and is not following those rules, as the owner, you are allowed to politely tell them to stop. Sound familiar? Because that is exactly what Jynnie did. And then you had the audacity to tell her and someone who came to her defense to kill themself, after struggling with mental illness yourself, continue to PM her to tell her that you thought she was wrong for telling you to follow the rules of her thread, use your mental illness as an excuse, and be rude to other users when they brought these things up. Please just own up to your actions, stop, and then apologize. Thank you.

Deleted user

I literally cannot wrap my head around the fact you have been on for a year.

You cannot be this way if you have.

No way.

Deleted user

If you want to be treated like anything other than a child then start acting like it.
It's okay to be wrong, just apologize.

@V01DtheFae group

fine hey i was nice to those who were nice to me but i won't apologize to those who treated me like a worthless piece of shit but to those who were nice i'm genuinely sorry

Deleted user

Jeez now that I know you're lying, it kinda shits on it, huh?

@Moxie group

Yes yes i know and i didn't really read any of that so no

Ohhhhhhh shit sorry can you not read? Sorry, I didn't know :(

Deleted user

fine hey i was nice to those who were nice to me but i won't apologize to those who treated me like a worthless piece of shit but to those who were nice i'm genuinely sorry

No one treated you like that.
And the fact that you said that makes your apology sound very condescending and not very genuine..

@Moxie group

Please, please please tell me what part of this is not nice. Because I'm honestly confused.
"(Friendly reminder that the rules specify that this is a game about fictional characters and not real life people :))"
"(Yeah, but they're still people who exist in our world, so please stick to the rules and do fictional, i.e. book, movie, musical, tv, etc. characters :))"
She was nice. You were rude back. No shit she's gonna be a little rude back after a bit