forum Concert band buddies!
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Deleted user

woah thanks for the advice! Yes it is for chair positions and I want to get out of last chair and make myself feel better before I go for drum major in the summer

@Pickles group

also hot tip from a lazy btch who's section doesn't know how to be in tune
it's easier to go from d flat to e flat if you leave the fingers on your right hand down. Also helps it be more in tune

@Pickles group

Also tip from my band director: You'll get a better grade if you take it at the tempo you can play it well at instead of fast and messy. Don't do it cold, warm up first (duh), and you got this my dude. you're amazing

I'm really sorry if I sound rude or condescending or anything I'm just bad at advice

Deleted user




The d to e flat thing?

oh wait i do that lmao nvm

Deleted user

Rip my jaw. Every time I play a high note and because my reed is extra THICC it’s hard to get some notes out. F. Flutes still have it worse though… holy god.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

I have to play the A flat scale for a playing test in both octaves

very epicly fun time

I can play it now but I’ll be practicing over the break lol

Oh sweetie. Try C with 3 octaves. A flat is not that bad. Need any alternate fingerings? All this is coming from a high school junior who really doesn't have much of a life…

@Pickles group

I have to play the A flat scale for a playing test in both octaves

very epicly fun time

I can play it now but I’ll be practicing over the break lol

Oh sweetie. Try C with 3 octaves. A flat is not that bad. Need any alternate fingerings? All this is coming from a high school junior who really doesn't have much of a life…

^^^ I can do b flat and c but not b natural

@Pickles group

The fingering is so weird and I never remember it but there's notes above c and we found fingerings. Of course, I can't actually play any of them

Deleted user

uh thanks Winter but I’m quite ok. I have all the fingerings and stuff and I can play it relatively slow, but I just need practice with the octave change. I most recently got a new flute so the higher octave is a lot easier for me. I love Fhyll but he’s super old and just squeals whenever I try high notes. And i know the extent of our octave ranges and I know 3 range C is incredibly challenging because it's reaching all corners of our range.

@Pickles group

But the best thing is an Alto Flute. It's amazing. It switches from Bass clef to treble clef


TIL to play the high notes, push your jaw out and press HARD against your face with your flute
Also that my tutor doesn't like my alternate fingerings even though it's mOrE iN tUnE

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

But the best thing is an Alto Flute. It's amazing. It switches from Bass clef to treble clef


TIL to play the high notes, push your jaw out and press HARD against your face with your flute
Also that my tutor doesn't like my alternate fingerings even though it's mOrE iN tUnE

I feel that. My tutor is rough. She's like an old woman in her mid sixties, who's played professional flute for 45 years. God she'll beat the everloving mess out of you if you miss a note. She's a monster in all the nest and worst ways.

@Pickles group

So we had our playing assessment on the SECOND and just got our new seats today. The first five chairs stayed the same but the kid that doesn't even know how to read music OR any of the fingerings moved up two chairs and now my friend is last and she's beating herself up about it and she thinks that she's awful because he beat her even though he shouldn't have

Deleted user

Respectful clarinet squeaks BIG OOF.
But, I was put next to my section leader last year, and I didn’t do any assignments. And yeah I found out it was for my health concerns.


I have a special flute it's like 4 inches longer, and has 2 extra keys. I can go all the way up to a third octave E flat, and first octave, below that already really low C, to A flat. It adds like 4 extra notes.

SPutters You have a B flat Foot joint! I want one so badly, does it make the upper register more difficult to hit?

Deleted user

Even though I’m a clarinet, I have to say the Flute is the most dominate instrument, but do you have a Squidward to your clarinet?