forum Concert band buddies!
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Deleted user


i wish that was past tense i wish that was past tense i wish that was past tense i wish that was past tense i wish that was past tense

i hate them


See we have a large portion of the band that just stick with it to go on the Florida trip down to Disney. Literally.

Last year a bunch of junior football players joined and one of them doesn't play, but I'm pretty sure he's going down to Florida with the band this year.

(May I also note one of these said football players got chosen to be a drum major over more qualified members of the band… I'm still upset.)

Deleted user


omg I wanna do drum major and if that happens to me i swear to god I’ll throw a boot


It happened. He was chosen on the first day of school when the second half of the drum majors got announced. The first 'official' drum major thing he's going to do is Florida. I was so mad then and I'm still mad now.

We have like six drum majors and plenty of other applicants and you picked him? I understand not picking the one and best french horn player. I understand not picking juniors. But him? You pick him over all of that.

I'm fine with the rest of them, it's just him.

Deleted user

man i’m pissed off for you, that’s a whole lot of shit right there



Yeah. He almost didn't go to Florida too. If we had won the last game we played, the state game was the day we got back. He couldn't have gone to Florida and played in the game.

I'm just. Ugh.

For reference, the dude's not a bad guy. He's actually one of the nicer jocks. I just hate that the band directors picked him to be a drum major.

Deleted user

Emi you are going to be THE FUCKING BEST drum major. I’m trying out for clarinet section leader if I catch my grades up >:3

Deleted user

idk it depends on how I learn tempos and stuff

i might ask Emma and she if she can help me, or maybe get to know Chloe a little better so she can help me out, too

I like both of them a lot, though, if it were someone from the Junior year that i didn’t like I wouldn’t have considered and talked to my parents about doing it

anywho that’s marching band stuff

Deleted user

See we have a large portion of the band that just stick with it to go on the Florida trip down to Disney. Literally.

hey us too

We had some I believe, but Ms. Calder always put them away from it.

Deleted user

a lot of people don’t really like our band director but she’s alright

just crazy lol

Deleted user

And no one stays away from Florida because of Calder. Literally no one idk what you’re saying, Kylee.


I mean we're not going to turn people away from Florida. It's the only band trip AND they have to pay the 950 themselves or fundraise the money.

Deleted user

I have to play the A flat scale for a playing test in both octaves

very epicly fun time

I can play it now but I’ll be practicing over the break lol

@Pickles group

Ooooh, if you can get all the notes in tune, I'd work on getting it all about the same dynamic. If it's for a grade or to determine your chair or something. Because most people skip over dynamics when they do this stuff I forget all the time

a flat is the best

Deleted user

Hey, A flat isn't that bad Yes it is I'm just trying to be encouraging