forum Character chat (no need to ask just join)
Started by @yeetus

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Axion flashed her daggers threateningly “I can always oblige you.”

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Elisabeth taps Axion’s shoulder “umm Incëreth said there was symbols over here.”

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Sam: stands up you ungrateful little sh-
Vaj: holds her back and glares touch her and you will regret it. She brought you back from the dead, basically

@PurplePartyTiger language

Axion flashed her daggers threateningly “I can always oblige you.”

Jade: *smirks again "No need for that. Who knows, I might know how to get out of here." *steps closer to Axion "Wanna risk getting rid of me?"

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Axion glares at everyone then turns to Elisabeth “what symbols?”

Elisabeth drags her toward them away from everyone else.

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Vaj: continues glaring at Axion
Sam: to self i used up all my essence of querion on this little child

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Elisabeth shows Axion the symbols and she sighs and turns around all dramatic like “anyone here speak Gallican?”

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Sam: if thats an earth language i have no clue, the only earth language i can speak is english, and some latin.

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Axion groans “I really didn’t want to translate but ooookay!”

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Vajra: nope. An earth like planet
Sam: in our universe, you humans are all dead so, enjoy your time

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Axion looks over her shoulder “because I have to translate it from Gallican to German to English.”

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Sam: just get it over with.
Vaj: yeah we need to get home. What planet are we even on?

@PurplePartyTiger language

Jade: "Lucky you. Just don't mess up."

Abiliene: "Oh…that's reassuring…well, I guess, in my universe, almost half the population got wiped out by warfare and radiation. Most of the people who survived became…" *shudders

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Axion looks confused at the words “hmm. Seems simple enough.” She then presses the symbols in a certain order and then is suddenly dropped through a trap door that stays open.

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Victoria and Elisabeth immediently jump down after her, Into what looked like a jungle.

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Sam immidiatley jumps out o the trap door, does a triple backflip and lands on her feet.”ah, freedom!”
Vajra just falls on her face

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cue welcome to the jungle.
Axion gets up and looks back where they fell. Nothing was there. “Soooo, any idea where we are?”
(Think Amazon rainforest)