forum Character chat (no need to ask just join)
Started by @yeetus

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Sam: honestly what is going on here….
Vaj: hey everyone we probably need to try to like i dunno, work together?

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Vaj: shrugs that works. Now, what the hell are we all doing here

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Victoria sits in a corner as Elisabeth sets Axion down next to Victoria and attempts to stop her nose bleed.

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Elisabeth then realized something bad “Victoria help me, Axion stopped breathing.”
Victoria put George down and ran over to Axion.

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Sam: shit, smaller is bad. Way bad.
Vaj: runs over to dead guy is he ok

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Elisabeth shot back “That’s a she and no she is not ok. Victoria use your plant magic or something!”

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Sam: quietly i can do some healing stuff with plants, i just need the right ones
Vaj: yeah she put my arm back on one time. Good stuff

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Elisabeth checked her heart. “It’s still beating.” She then punched her chest in attempt to get Axion to breathe.

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Elisabeth looks at Sam “please do. Because I seriously can not lose this child.”

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Sam: yeah, yeah, okay. What seems to be the problem, and do you happen to have any ivy leaves with you

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Victoria points at George the orange ivy plant momentarily.
“She stopped breathing, but her heart still beats.”