forum Character chat (no need to ask just join)
Started by @yeetus

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Sam: well that's not good. Can i have an ivy leaf please, george

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The plant sheds a leaf.
Elisabeth just looks stunned.
Victoria: “Elisabeth her heart is failing!”

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Sam: rummages in bag and and brings out some greenish liquid okay i got this,
*mutters a spell *
Okay pour some of this on the leaf, and then put it in her mouth. I’d do it but i dont like touching people

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Elisabeth does just that “Victoria stop doing mouth to mouth. Hold her mouth open.”
She drops the leaf in her mouth.

Elisabeth looks at Sam “does she have to swallow it?”

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Sam: no just put it in her mouth. mutters another spell its my most powerful healing spell so she should be okay.
Vaj: thats my girl!!

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Victoria and Elisabeth back away from Axion as the leaf is deposited into her mouth.

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Axion suddenly wakes up looks around then goes “Ich habe henginflugel” And passes out.

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Elisabeth laughs “long story short, she got shwacked by Incëreth and Kilándrè.”

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Sam: *visibly exhausted * t-that should take a minute or two to take effect
Vaj: woah woah woah, calm down

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Victoria looks at Bren: “She was also licking me and attempting to make out with me.”

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Victoria shrugs. “She usually tries to sexually assault me and murder Elisabeth.”

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Bren- So this is normal and weird touche the stone The wall is very thick. I can't sense any living beings out there

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Elisabeth: “Axion maybe able to open it but I am not sure yet.”

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Victoria: “Yea she has yet to have been cooperative yet soooo.”

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Sam: then…why did i heal her???? What???
Vaj: sigh what have we gotten into

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(Just throw your character names in I think.)
Victoria: “because unfortunately I think she is our only way out right now.”