forum Character chat (no need to ask just join)
Started by @yeetus

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Victoria stares off a little, “uhh Terra.”

Axion: “Umm Yea.”

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Vajra is still staring at sam. “We come from an alternative timeline where earth- you know what, we just come from a different planet. Just say that”

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Victoria then snaps back to reality: “oh sorry Umm do you mean country?”


Joviel: Ash are you comfortable?
Ash: Get on with it.
Joviel: Very well.
starts to fly, Ash hangs from the handcuffs that attach them
Ash: Where's Clif
Joviel: Right under that tree.
starts to fly over

@PurplePartyTiger language

Jade: "No. I mean, it seems like we all come from different universes or something. Just wondering what yours is."
Dahliah: *runs back to the shelter "Okay, I'm bored." *flops down next to Abiliene
Jade: "Didn't think you were capable of getting bored."
Dahliah: "Also I'm hungry."

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Axion comes back behind Daliah looking very shook. “That kid can talk!” And passed out on the jungle floor.

Victoria: “oooooh oh oh oh. Yea we are from a universe where unlike earth; music is magic. We don’t have many firearms in our universe so when Axion shot Elisabeth with one. Weeeee didn’t really know how to heal it.”


Both: drop off at their hut
Clif: Did you get the stuff?
Ash: yup.
pulls out herbs
Clif: Put them in the bowl!
holds out a bowl fashioned from bark taken off of a knob in the nearest tree
Ash: Very well.
does so
Clif: Joviel, take this stick and mash up the herbs
Joviel: furiously stirs
Clif: holds out the bark, it has a pentagram carved into it with the words "ceciderit, gravibus vincite catenis liberos" around the seal
Now add tge mixture to the seal…

@PurplePartyTiger language

Dahliah: "Hugs? I like hugs! Can we hug now?" She doesn't wait for an answer, and launches herself at Vajra, wrapping her in a tight hug.
Jade: "Dally, get off of her. Most people don't like spontaneous hugs."

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Vajra smiles. “Nah, its fine. Just dont try that with sam.. So you’re a …pony? Thats cool”

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Vajra sees them, “Hey , cut out the satanic rituals! We dont trust satan”

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Elisabeth suddenly falls through the makeshift roof “ow.”

Victoria freaks the fuck out and starts screaming at her in German.

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Vajra frowns “my magic is strained here, too. That’s probably why sam is so Zonked right now” she looks at sam “ we draw magic from the core of our planet, and if we dont get back soon, well, something bad might happen.” She looks worried

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Victoria just looks flustered as Elisabeth passes out from pain.

@PurplePartyTiger language

Vajra frowns “my magic is strained here, too. That’s probably why sam is so Zonked right now” she looks at sam “ we draw magic from the core of our planet, and if we dont get back soon, well, something bad might happen.” She looks worried

Abiliene: *scooches over to them "Oh no, I hope you guys can get back…" she said softly.