forum Character chat (no need to ask just join)
Started by @yeetus

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@PurplePartyTiger language

Jade: "Fine, we go that way. Abby, come here."
Abiliene timidly approached Jade.
Jade: "I don't care if you don't like being picked up or not – you're getting a piggyback ride."

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Victoria looks down annoyed at the two kids “Axion watch one of these lil turds, I’ve got to watch the plant.”

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“Or both of you can go to Axion your choice.”
Axion looks over at Victoria. “why are you making the unstable void elf babysit?”

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Victoria looks up. “Because he is the only thing from my universe that has a perfect memory of everything it sees. Also it’s an heirloom to a king and we kinda need to get it back.”

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Axion pushes both of the kids towards Daliah “please.”

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Axion waves her hand. “I can smell better then a dog and vision of a hawk but don’t expect me to hear from a mile away.”

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Axion then licks Victoria’s cheek and then runs away quickly. “Also as she puts it, I’ve got a few screws loose.”

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Axion calls out: “Were moving too so make sure you know where we are or your going to loose us!”

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Axion looks at Jade. “If we loose them, you are not holding me accountable.”