forum Character chat (no need to ask just join)
Started by @yeetus

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Clif: What do you say we make our own?
Ash: I can't do squat.
Joviel: I'm afraid neither can I in this state.
Clif: groans, but scales a tree in seconds flat, closing his eyes and nostrils to avoid the spray of acid-rain

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Victoria Jumps back to her sleeping part and falls asleep as Axion lays next to her.


Ash: Clif! Clif! What the Hell are you doing?
Clif starts to fall down, knocking several branches to Ash's and Joviel's feet before hooking his claws into the tree trunk.
Clif: I found cocoa beans. If I remember correctly, sorcerers in the reinforests used cocoa beans among other things for spells.
Joviel: He's right.
Clif: Assemble those branches would you?

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Vajra yells up at the tree-person "Please get down!"
Sam gathers some random blue plant and puts it in her bag

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Victoria passes out in the cross leg position, Axion and Victoria are snuggling with each other.

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( they escaped the room, went through a trapdoor into a jungle, narrowly escaped some acid rain, and are now just sleeping??? idek, but no one had replied in a while

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(I had to go eat that is why. Also that is why my characters are sleeping.)

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(Yeeeeeeeea I kinda took initiative and broke the setting you set.)

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(Lol mine are just derping and trying to lead but failing a bit.)


Clif: starts to climb down, before jumping off the tree to help assemble the shelter
I found bananas. Ash, you want one.
Ash: No, but I am famished.
Joviel: holds out his arm
Ash: Are you sure.
Joviel: My orders are to help you people. I am of no use while bound like this, so drink.
Ash: sinks her teeth into his wrist, lapping up his blood

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Elisabeth wakes up and looks around. “Sooo instead of trying to find a way out of the jungle we are attempting to make it our home. Brilliant.”

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Sam shrugs and waves her hand, building a little hut. "why the fuck not, no one wanted to leave anyways"

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Elisabeth snaps her fingers and lays down again “Fair a fucking nough. I am legit too lazy to move from Victoria’s lil shelter. Speaking of Victoria it appears they’re having another cuddle party.”

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Elisabeth snickers “yea, except that one has a few screws loose and a few knives.”

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Vajra frowns. "the night is dawning, we should get everyone together against the night terrors"
(their planet has monsters that come out at night, and are widely feared)

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Elisabeth looks at Axion and groans. “I really don’t want to wake up Axion but she is a good fighter. Minus that fight with Incëreth and Kilándrè.”

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“Actually, having the mentally unstable person fight probably isn’t the best idea.”