forum Character chat (no need to ask just join)
Started by @yeetus

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Sam follows Bren. “So, uh, how has life been treating you?”

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Vajra is still scribbling on a small peice of paper, looking up every couple of seconds. “I wish Te’Ata was here”

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"It's not." He says, leaning down to pick up a flower that shrivels in his hand.

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Sam frowns, and takes the flower. “Well that’s ominous, but honestly mood.” She heals it and hands it back to Bren

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Elisabeth watched everyone walk off. “Guess I’ll watch the kids then.”

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"Yup, I can't be considered to be alive." As soon as the flower touches his skin it whithers agian.

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Vajra finishes the thing she was writing, mutters a spell, and throws it into the wind. It dissapates in the distance.

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Sam frowns. “Thats really sucky, my dude. I might have like a spell or something…but that sucks. If you dont mind, how did that happen?”

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"I'm pretty much a walking disease, everything sicks when you're the embodiment of sickness."

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Victoria and Axion walk around on their own. “Axion. I swear to any divine power you worship that if you lick me. I am going to put you in a tree.”

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Sam looks at him. “Welp, okay i literally died once so, i guess we all have rough lives”


(I think my characters that I have now are actually too OP for this type of situation, and I can't see any of them struggling with this scenario. I'm gonna get some new ones.)


Ash: Of all the shit I'm dealt, having to be anywhere near you for this long is the worst.
Joviel: Agreed. he yanks the handcuffs that bind them
Ash: You son of a-
Clif: Quiet, both of you. Can you hear that?
Both Ash and Joviel: It sounds like… Talking!
Clif: shifts halfway into his hybrid form

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Bren pulls his gloves off and raises his hand infront of him. "Who are you?"

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Sam does a facepalm.”UGH where even is this place??”
Vajra shrugs.

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Elisabeth shrugs “Fair enough”
Axion and Victoria come back to the little makeshift shelter.