forum Celtic/Scottish Lore

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  1. Okay all I can say is that the cap is like their transformation thing. Like it turns them into a human with some weird characteristics. Or in other stories, some weird magic from the cap gives them the ability to walk on their tail, and it's just so confusing, just think of it as how you want. No one really cares, unless you're in your 80's telling grandkids.
  2. Common formality. Everyone is really nice. But in this story, it's both because od the fact that Coo served Jack's grandfater, and family is a big deal over there.


@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

So is the Tuatha dé Danann like a super-tribe?

Yes. It's basically a race of demi-god children. Tolkein actually used this race for the inspiration for Aragorn's people, the Dúnedain. They are all very strong and powerful. Masters of their crafts of war, and weaponry.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

And are any of the deities related to each other? Besides Aengus being Dagda's son. It seems like Danu and Dagda would be a couple or something. And if Dagda was the chief, but Nuada was the first king, what's the difference? Is chief a step above?

Okay, yes. Most of than are related, but going through that family tree, now that's a doozey. And Dagda is like the all father. Think of him as like Cronous in Greek Mythology, and Nuada as Zeus. But there was no fighting, and I can't remember if they are related or not. I'd have to go look again…


What's the fomorian/danann thing? Did Danu and her son Dagda really have Ogma together cuz that's nasty or are they like different accounts of the same myth?

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

What's the fomorian/danann thing? Did Danu and her son Dagda really have Ogma together cuz that's nasty or are they like different accounts of the same myth?

Listen it's just like the Greeks. Lots of incest. Just roll with it at this point.
They are enemies of Ireland's first settlers and opponents of the Tuatha Dé Danann, the other supernatural race in Irish mythology.
The Tuath Dé Danann, also known by the earlier name Tuath Dé, are a supernatural race in Irish mythology.
So the Danann and the Fomorian are enemies. Always fighting.


Ahhh ok interesting. So we're all team Danann, cuz they're the good guys (well, as far as war and such goes)?

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

I have realized that the story of the kelpie and dianaimh is very long to type so I just found the book that my grandmother used to read out of. It has the kelpie story in it.
(Scroll up, until you hit story 18, which is labeled the kelpie. This is much easier for me than typing it by a long shot.)