forum Brainstorming+writing practice: Let's make a novel!
Started by @CopperQueen

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A flowing top made of a lava fabric?
I dunno, I'm unoriginal.


Ok I already asked this once but what would a magma mermaid wear

Umm idk you know that really thin cool fabric stuffover like, a lavastone bra
a shoulder showing red vvelvet long top


Ok I already asked this once but what would a magma mermaid wear

Umm idk you know that really thin cool fabric stuffover like, a lavastone bra
a shoulder showing red vvelvet long top

Really flowy stuff anyways, I think it would be nice


I need to do a random idea dump here because I love angst and sad Lunos.

When Lunos has just joined the group, at wich point he was VERY attached to the lovely human, He needs to start considering if he will ultimately betray them and do the ritual on the human or if he really is a "Good guy" now.
It's alright during the day, since he's occupied and can think about other things, but as soon as they set up a camp and go to sleep he's left with his thoughts.

So he gets really conflicted and starts crying but Taramy just notices he's shaking and breathing unevenly so she figures "Oh, he's cold" and she tries to offer him her blanket/jacket and he's like "I don't want it stop" and when he talks she notices what's actually happening and tries to comfort him and he's like STOP BEING NICE YOU'RE MAKING IT HARDER but instead of saying that he just repeatedly says stop and she is just attempting to help and she goes "I care about you, just tell me what it is" and he yells "NO YOU DON'T!" and wakes Terimane and they just end up kind of make a fire and stare into it until it's time to start to start walking again.

Hey I came up with a way to continue this little headcanon thing I did:
What if they both interperate this as he doesn't feel welcome there/ doesn't believe they like him so they keep showering him in affection and being nice and it's making everything so much worse


I need to do a random idea dump here because I love angst and sad Lunos.

When Lunos has just joined the group, at wich point he was VERY attached to the lovely human, He needs to start considering if he will ultimately betray them and do the ritual on the human or if he really is a "Good guy" now.
It's alright during the day, since he's occupied and can think about other things, but as soon as they set up a camp and go to sleep he's left with his thoughts.

So he gets really conflicted and starts crying but Taramy just notices he's shaking and breathing unevenly so she figures "Oh, he's cold" and she tries to offer him her blanket/jacket and he's like "I don't want it stop" and when he talks she notices what's actually happening and tries to comfort him and he's like STOP BEING NICE YOU'RE MAKING IT HARDER but instead of saying that he just repeatedly says stop and she is just attempting to help and she goes "I care about you, just tell me what it is" and he yells "NO YOU DON'T!" and wakes Terimane and they just end up kind of make a fire and stare into it until it's time to start to start walking again.

Hey I came up with a way to continue this little headcanon thing I did:
What if they both interperate this as he doesn't feel welcome there/ doesn't believe they like him so they keep showering him in affection and being nice and it's making everything so much worse

Headcannon has been so totally accepted dear lord my heart


Ok, so can I please have a slight summary of what we've discussed?

Angsty Lunos is sad and doesn't want help


We've established all the main group characters (Check the group account for their info)
So, Kerrigan (The spy) notices the witch association is no longer sending around messages, and decides to investigate.
When he realizes the association has been split up, he searches for other witches to help him figure out what's going on.
The first witch he finds is Terimane, who imediatly joins him. Kerrigan's been pretty lonely and apreciates the company.
As they travel they meet Geranium, a childhood friend of Terimane, who has found the coolest thing: A colorhair! (Actually just a human) Terimane and Geranium quickly starts bonding over memories and talk to eachother a lot throughout the mission.
but the news that the very active witch association is traveling with a colorhair and the twins (Antagonists) quickly pick it up because that's what you need to revive someone from the dead. They send their younger sibling Lunos out to spy on and kidnap Taramy (the colorhair) and he succeds as soon as they reach the edge o the eastern region, forcing them to go back after their human up to the northenregion, where Lunos is keeping her captive.
But when they arrive Lunos and Taramy are just chatting and enjoying themselves, since the twins will not be there until in about a week.
They convince him to join them on the quest, and essentially guilt trips him when he refuses.

And that's as far as we have gotten


Hey so idea: What if Lunos is orignally pretty disconected from the witch debate because he's a fae and not involved, so he just brushes off the actual issue and assumes there's simply a comflict between the association and the group chasing them out.
The world around him has been feeding the idea that witches are horrible, and he holds on to that thought as hard as he can so he won't feel bad about the whole ordeal.
But later on they're actually talking about predjudice and those things as he is spying and he slowly starts to get what it's actually like.

Good or nah?

Deleted user

Hell yeah!
Is it bad that i want there to be a huge plot twist that consists of the witches actually being evil and the Fae being right, the human being just done with the shit and kinda becoming an overlords?

Deleted user

Ok, so do the Twins and Lunos have a rivalry? Or something like that?

No, they're just pretty distant.


Because I was thinking one reason why Lunos might side with the witches could be that he felt like an outsider and decided to betray them for the sake of… idk that's how far I got


Hell yeah!
Is it bad that i want there to be a huge plot twist that consists of the witches actually being evil and the Fae being right, the human being just done with the shit and kinda becoming an overlords?

That might be problematic consideringhow we set up the story, with the way the world is.
Even if that would be a really cool plot twist

Deleted user

Hell yeah!
Is it bad that i want there to be a huge plot twist that consists of the witches actually being evil and the Fae being right, the human being just done with the shit and kinda becoming an overlords?

That might be problematic consideringhow we set up the story, with the way the world is.
Even if that would be a really cool plot twist

True, time to write fanficw for our story!


Hell yeah!
Is it bad that i want there to be a huge plot twist that consists of the witches actually being evil and the Fae being right, the human being just done with the shit and kinda becoming an overlords?

That might be problematic consideringhow we set up the story, with the way the world is.
Even if that would be a really cool plot twist

True, time to write fanficw for our story!

Villian AU?