forum Brainstorming+writing practice: Let's make a novel!
Started by @CopperQueen

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Maybe we should have like at leas one picture where you can't see the pyramids in the backround cause I think they are in all the reference pics for the southern region


I was thinking that along side the obvious plant life here and there, we could have a few "traps" which is basically an underground cavern which was covered by sand?

Pretty sure it doesnt make sense because I realize after writing, that that makes almost no sense


This is Copper from the group account, I'm just wondering:
Why have we given everyone last names and stuff and Taramy is simply "The human"?


I'll add that!
"A gold ring he wears on a necklace chain. The ring has inscriptions of a long-forgotten language." This is on Kerrigan. Lord of the rings much?


I'll add that!
"A gold ring he wears on a necklace chain. The ring has inscriptions of a long-forgotten language." This is on Kerrigan. Lord of the rings much?

Nobody cared who I was until I put on the RING


I'll add that!
"A gold ring he wears on a necklace chain. The ring has inscriptions of a long-forgotten language." This is on Kerrigan. Lord of the rings much?

Nobody cared who I was until I put on the RING

oof xD


I'll add that!
"A gold ring he wears on a necklace chain. The ring has inscriptions of a long-forgotten language." This is on Kerrigan. Lord of the rings much?

Just change it to a fae language he can't read or smth
I don't know lord of the rings. I get lost too easily.
I was improvising and running on around 3 hours of sleep total
At least I tried to put something there