forum Artists, Roleplayers, People that can talk, come and see this idea.
Started by @Echo_6 group

people_alt 70 followers

@soupnana group

Oh my gosh guys I am so sorry I have been gone a while. I've been busy the past few days and I haven't found a chance to check up on the callbacks. Don't worry though! I will look over them and let y'all know what we think asap.

@GameMaster group

Don't worry, we're all busy. I'm in science right now and I'm supposed to be studying but I studied for three hours yesterday with my mom who has a Ph.D. in Chemistry so I'm not too worried. I have the final tomorrow and I've studied so much I'm not even worried anymore.


Y'all I went to 5th Avenue awards and saw these kids who are like THE SAME AGE AS ME and literally had so much talent it was SO COOL and now I feel ridiculously inadequate. Like, I shouldn't even be in theater. Like, I can't even sing, these teenagers who are lITERALLY THE SAME AGE AS ME are so FUCKING INCREDIBLE I legitimately am disappointed in all the leads I've ever gotten.


Y'all I went to 5th Avenue awards and saw these kids who are like THE SAME AGE AS ME and literally had so much talent it was SO COOL and now I feel ridiculously inadequate. Like, I shouldn't even be in theater. Like, I can't even sing, these teenagers who are lITERALLY THE SAME AGE AS ME are so FUCKING INCREDIBLE I legitimately am disappointed in all the leads I've ever gotten.

Nope, Nope, Nope. I have someone I really really care about who had this mind set, and nope. I'ma just stop this line of thinking make it a ray and then erase it. You the individual come from a different place, different family life, different opportunities, different DNA structure, same age means nothing, because did they grow up in the same house as you, nope, did they live your life have your problems, nope.You, the individual, come from more then just your age. Those people, they share one thing with you, it is not fare to say I'm a failure just because they do better, that's a disservice to you and it's a disservice to them. Some random kid getting a lead role on Broadway doesn't make you landing the lead of a school play any less significant because you're different people.


^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ oh that was beautiful


Oof. I appreciate that. My anxiety is just always telling me that I'm not good, enough, I need to do better, I don't deserve the things I have. Gotta FRICKING HATE anxiety. I actually named my anxiety Linda, so whenever I start telling myself "that was crap. You're gonna fail." I'm just like, shut up, LINDA.


Oof. I appreciate that. My anxiety is just always telling me that I'm not good, enough, I need to do better, I don't deserve the things I have. Gotta FRICKING HATE anxiety. I actually named my anxiety Linda, so whenever I start telling myself "that was crap. You're gonna fail." I'm just like, shut up, LINDA.

Idk about you but I feel like if I had anxiety that’d make it like 40% better

@GameMaster group

That’s one of the most accurate descriptions of anxiety ever. Your brain just won’t shut up about how many people hate you and you’ll fail in life and the only thing you can do is tell it to shut up or turn your music up.


(Hey, sorry to be a bother, are… are the parts going to be cast soon, or… or did you already cast the parts and I just didn't know cause I'm a retard, or??)

@Echo_6 group

You're not a bother at all. I think not many people have been on recently because of finals week and everything. I know that I will be able to be on this more often now that my finals are over. So hopefully we can get this going again.

@GameMaster group

Right now everything is kinda on break because like half of the people working on this are in the middle of exams. Maybe wait until the weekend to figure stuff out.


So Wild_Warrior, Nana and I are casting. I haven't seen Nana in a while and it is indeed my finals week. Sorry for the delay guys, I'll try and do this as soon as my finals are over!


(No that's fine sorry I just wondered cause I wanted to congratulate people if you already had done it but you haven't so I haven't missed anything.)

@Echo_6 group

I can understand that. My life has also been busy, but I agree, I hope this is still going because I still really like this idea.