forum Artists, Roleplayers, People that can talk, come and see this idea.
Started by @Echo_6 group

people_alt 70 followers

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I volunteer. Sounds like a cool thing, I'd be interested in helping make it happen!

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I can create it.
I'll make a PM with link sharing so we don't have to do email addresses

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Who all is part of this? {So that I know who to put in the PM}

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@Knight-Shives-Might-be-a-pyro Would you like to audition, or…?

Deleted user

Okay, I'm creating it.
How are the auditions formatted? Are they writing, or… IDK, audio, or what?


Hi, so I got a new hard drive for my computer and nothing saved. I made an alt account for the google doc (which I'm not even sure you still have) but I don't remember the name for the email. I know it was something like Asireli or something. If someone could tell me, that'd be really nice :)