forum Anyone wanna do a debate?
Started by @amber_is_in_a_loop

people_alt 7 followers

Deleted user

It probably wouldn’t becuase the most likely outcome is that at least 70% of the population will adopt a “kill or get killed” policy and then proceed to kill other humans, to be able to save what little resources are left


Although, I think that some countries would band together and manage to defeat at least a small amount of the alien army, and then who's to say whether or not hope would come out and get another region to band together and so on?



Tr-wait no,that's political…

Honestly, if we wanted to talk political, we could just invite Austin in here, he's great at that.
But it said nothing political….

What are proper,necessary roleplay rules and guidelines, and what takes it too far?
or not, idrc…