forum Anyone wanna do a debate?
Started by @amber_is_in_a_loop

people_alt 7 followers

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feminism for the most part……… women trying to blame men for all their problems. There’s no longer a struggle for equality. That was already reached quite a while back

Hmm, I disagree. While we have achieved basic human rights, yes, there’s still a huge stigma around women that we’re “lesser” than men. Just look at te US’s recent Kavanaugh hearings. That man, wether guilty or not, should not have even been considered for the Supreme Court, and yet here we all.
And, feminism is not actually just equality for females, despite the name. The official definition is striving for equality for ALL genders, including men!!
My feminism does not degrade anyone.
xx thanks for the fun opportunity to debate!! hope we can have a civil conversation


Feminism is essentially about gender equality, not "women are better than men". It's just the generalisation of some women who are like that but feminism isn't about that

Deleted user

I believe that justice Kavanaugh‘s confirmation hearing was another example of why the fringes of the far left that have embedded themselves into American culture over the past century need to be stamped out for good. why do you believe that just because someone accuses someone of something, that they shouldn’t be considered for something? The presumption of innocence is a very sacred thing in America. That should extend two everything

Deleted user

I believe that justice Kavanaugh‘s confirmation hearing was another example of why the fringes of the far left that have embedded themselves into American culture over the past century need to be stamped out for good. why do you believe that just because someone accuses someone of something, that they shouldn’t be considered for something? The presumption of innocence is a very sacred thing in America. That should extend two everything

Yes, innocent until proven guilty is a core of the American judicial system, and I am most definitely not going to debate that!
Yes, we cannot ever prove Judge Kavanaugh is guilty. The event happened at a high school party 35 years ago. There is not way we could ever prove anything!
However, we can never truly prove him innocent either. No matter what he says, there is always a chance he is guilty !! And that is why he shouldn’t be considered, In my opinion, for the highest court in our American judicial system

Deleted user

but if that were the case, then people would become more opportunistic and would be randomly accusing random people of that kind of thing. Then what happens to the people who actually have the stuff happen to them? They all get forgotten because of the ones who lie time and time again just for their own gain

Deleted user

but if that were the case, then people would become more opportunistic and would be randomly accusing random people of that kind of thing. Then what happens to the people who actually have the stuff happen to them? They all get forgotten because of the ones who lie time and time again just for their own gain

also true. It’s a very delicate situation

Deleted user

if you believe Kristine forrd, then why not believe the accusers of former President Bill Clinton?

Deleted user

Hey man, I thought we were having a civil debate. I have said nothing provoking you, there’s no need to be rude/violent


Please stay civil
That's the point of debates. You express your opinions without getting violent, rude or attacking people

Deleted user

no. I was just stating my opinion on what he should do because everything points to the fact that these people are lying


if you believe Kristine forrd, then why not believe the accusers of former President Bill Clinton?

I would not exactly call this civil…

Deleted user

OK so just because someone brings up a point of someone that you happen to agree with politically having the same accusations, you say that it’s not civil? What nonsense

Deleted user

if you believe Kristine forrd, then why not believe the accusers of former President Bill Clinton?

Another thing, my friend, is that Dr. Ford had nothing to gain. This brave, brave woman was sent death threats. She had to relive on of the worst nights of her life on NATIONAL TELEVISION. She had nothing to gain, and everything to lose.
Why would she make it up?

Deleted user

was a documentary that I had watched that where the experts analyzed her body language and they said that there was a lot pointing to the fact that she was lying

Deleted user

was a documentary that I had watched that where the experts analyzed her body language and they said that there was a lot pointing to the fact that she was lying

Do you have a link?
What were the sources, if any?
Was that credible?
Was there a counterpart that investigated Kavanaugh?
If not, sounds like people trying to find reasons to bash a woman who was trying to do her civic duty, or what she perceived her civic duty to be

Deleted user

my God! Cavanaugh went through six prior FBI investigations. Then there is the seventh. After that many investigations I think they would find something if this were credible at all

Deleted user

my God! Cavanaugh went through six prior FBI investigations. Then there is the seventh. After that many investigations I think they would find something if this were credible at all

You didn’t answer my question. I’m starting to think this is less a debate and more an argument based on personal opinions. Have a good night, but I respectfully decline to continue


Not necessarily. The FBI isn't infallible
But chances are they wouldn't found something at least
But criminals are very smart.