forum Anyone wanna do a debate?
Started by @amber_is_in_a_loop

people_alt 7 followers


The subject will depend on whoever joins.
Topic ideas, though bear in mind I'm not great at coming up with these:
Books or movies?
Cats or dogs?
Winter or summer?
For or against technology?
Live action or animated?
For or against musicals?
Opinion on Ariana Grande?
Opinion on book-adapted movies?
Opinion on the school systems?
Is feminism an ongoing struggle or is it over-dramatized? (does this count as political?)
Hopefully there's a wide range and at least one of these will suit us all ^^'

Some rules:
ABSOLUTELY NO SWEARING! I will report you.
Please try, as much as you can, to stay objective. That's what debating is for.
Nothing that will definitely anger people (nothing political, no very sensitive or inappropriate)
I hope that's all I have to clarify. Please respect these rules or I will report you.


For the live-action vs. animated debate, I always find that the remakes are worse than what they're based on. It's always so bland compared to the original, which is why I'm worried about the Aladdin remake.


Then again, the direct-to-box sequels are always disappointing. Just look up Esmorolda and Corpet, you'll see what I mean.

Deleted user

feminism for the most part……… women trying to blame men for all their problems. There’s no longer a struggle for equality. That was already reached quite a while back