forum Any poets?
Started by @Every_Fandom_Ever_

people_alt 10 followers


you take a step
take a breath
breathe in the cold wintry air
for the very last time

tighten your grip
on the strap of your backpack
close your eyes
hear the rush of traffic fade from your ears

but suddenly the light turns green
an engine roars
the cars speed past each other
oblivious to the sidewalk

three steps more
that's all it'll take to end it
the silence
the pain

one foot forward
heel to toe
into the street
and over


Ayy welcome! Literally like 99% of the poems we've shared so far are depressing. There's one about suicide, I wrote one about how humans are the real monsters, there's a couple about death… SHARE YOURS, CHILD


It comes it goes
Will it stay will it go
It’s hard to say you know
Sometimes you’ll sit and twiddle your thumbs
Or sit and bang upon a drum
You’ll try to lick your elbow and nose
Or even try to chew your toes
It sounds disgusting I know
But anything goes
When Boredom strikes
You might pick on the little tikes
You’ll even brake all their bikes
You might read a book or two
Then sit and yell “There’s nothing to do!”
You’ll eat and yell sit, maybe break a chair
But boredom doesn't care
Boredom stays and what does he do
He watches all the things you do
While you holar and twiddle and brake and chew
He looks at the screen, stuck like glue
He’ll turn it off after an hour or two
Then sit and say, “I’ve got nothing to do.


I tried, with mixed results. Sometimes they just turned depressing by themselves. Maybe because I use prompts from one of the depressing fandoms that ever existed?


The Seafaring Sandwich
Once on a rocking boat far from any shore
There was a sandwich who was part of this sea sandwich lore
Then oh what a grievous thing
The boat jumped just like a spring
The sandwich fell and with a plop
Ended up in quite the flop
A Fish came by and with a chomp
It took the bread right from the top
A Dolphin came and with a snap
The slab of fish left a gap
An Otter grabbed the peace of kale
From the water logged bread jail
A gull came then and took the rest
Right up to its seaside nest
And now we shall know no more
Of this sandwich from sea sandwich lore