forum Any poets?
Started by @Every_Fandom_Ever_

people_alt 10 followers


Is anyone here capable of writing a poem that isn't depressing? (I can't)

I wrote one a while ago lemme go find it

Kk it makes no sense but here

The girl lifted the cap from her eyes
Her smile brightened when she saw me
'Mother!' She cried to the wind
I nod, and she was freed


I mean this one…. it's more sadistic and evil and less depressing I guess

A mask a mask midnight black,
On a face in the back
Other colors swirl around
None as dark as the midnight black

The one who wears the Midnight Mask
Had a deed, has a task
A poison flask
The sharpest knife

A color red is by blacks side
On the knife
Someone dies

A mask a mask midnight black
On a face as it flees from the back
All the colors are on the floor
None to hear midnights laugh


Ill only do some of my less depressing one, but beware I suck at poems…

I have no friends
I’m all alone
When will it end

Taking photos hurts
It’s all photoshopped
Take all of my bondage
Take all of my pain
Take all of my fear
And shame
My thoughts
Me being lame
My imperfections
My sin
My everything and cover it up
Throw a smile on
Act as if life is perfect
As if those suicidal thoughts aren’t running through your head
Pretend your not sucking in your stomach to look as skinny as your friend
Imagine that you didn’t slowly stop eating cuz your insecure
Put on that smile even though your crying inside
Fake your liveliness as your digging your grave
Mimic your friends cuz your lost yourself trying to impress
Perform the play of lies you’ve been living in
Rehearse those fake words coming out of your mouth
All this work for a photo

Please don’t judge. I know their bad

@HighPockets group

These won't make much sense unless you've read the series I wrote them about but here I go (Some spoilers btw)

Scarlet Benoit:
She was a girl with dirt in her hair and embers in her eyes.
Her hair was red,
Red as the blood that flowed through her veins
And as wild as her personality.
Her Grandma's farm,
Her sanctuary where
She wrapped her worn red sweatshirt around her jeans
Pushed up her sleeves to shovel hay
To milk the cow
And pick tomatoes to send to Rioux.
But then Michelle was gone
But Scarlet carried on.
Hauling crates of tomatoes to the tavern
Where she met
A man with scars, too many scars.
A man with pointed wolf teeth.
A man with eyes like unripe grapes.
An unwavering gaze.
But she didn't trust him.
Wolf, they said his name was.
Well, Scarlet Benoit wasn't afraid of any wolf.

I wrote more, but that was the best one.


ok thanks for positivity for my poem guys lol its like the second actual one ive ever written and yeah im ok and also yOU GUYS ARE AWESOME POETS LIKE AKLFJSDLKFJSKLFJ ALL OF YOU


there goes another heart

you break them by day
stab them by night
and collect all the tears
from the big ending fights

your walls are lined with jars
full of the tears of your lovers
your toolbox is filled with knives
perfect for breaking hearts

when i came around
you put the toolbox aside
you covered up your walls
and welcomed me inside

i took a look at your soul
tried not to move anything around
and you watched me with interest
took note of how much i cared

but one bad move
i took a wrong turn
you shook your head
and out came the toolbox


That is a perfect example of why poetry is amazing, there are no real rules that poem is a free verse and it's still a poem because poems don't have to rhyme you make up the rules for your poem


Sunshine in golden goblets
We drink to our hearts content
The warm liquid fills our bellies
From the heavens it's been sent

We dance in the deep oceans
The water swirls around our feet
It splashes cool kisses
The creatures in these oceans sing

The trees tower over us
They're telling stories of long ago
What a blessing is this Earth
The being greater than we know

Deleted user

~the home that won't return~

He’s a small flutter in my chest
And the vile taste of vomit in between my molars
He is a home I can return to
But a home that will never return to me

He’s the bird I keep speaking of
He is the claw marks that have scarred on my skin
He is the memory of skin against my own

And a reminder that what once was can never be

Every time I see stormy grey eyes behind curls of bronze
I feel a butterfly land on my face
A kiss
What was once a kiss
What is now a parasite
It burns

Twisted heartstrings and tears that are miles away
I look back and think of confessions made in crowded halls
Desperation in empty stairwells

And I wish I had a soul back then

Because seeing you is still torture
Because you haven’t forgiven yourself
And you don’t want to forgive yourself

You look at the floor, sad
There is something on your mind and you think I pity you

I do not

But I remember warm hugs and warmer smiles
Like sunshine
And wonder when the winds of time will blow these clouds away

Deleted user

another one:

A pig sits behind me on the train
Fat, gross,
Pouty lips chewing noisily on nothing
A glowing slab of metal mere inches from his face
Stuffing his brain with meaningless fluff

He screams about taxes and mortgage
Debt comes for us all in the end
A beer belly and a divorce

He screams about the kids these days
And about the economy
And all things meaningless

I wonder to myself
Has he ever seen the sky?
Or has he been too busy counting the expenses
For that window he’ll never look out of

I wonder
Has he ever seen the world?
Or has he been too busy
Keeping refuge within the confines of the hotel room

I wonder
Is this the collective destiny of us all?